What's wrong with you?

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"What's wrong with you?" Malia questioned as soon as she entered the place with Scott following behind her.

"Me? Nothing!" The werewolf answered quickly, hoping to somehow convince her of something that even he wasn't so sure about.

Frowning at him, the werecoyote scoffed and started to look around "Your heart is pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?"

"He's just bad at introductions" an unfamiliar voice called out from the couch, making them quickly turn around to find its owner reading a book with no interest in them.

"Peter" Scott squeaked, cursing himself before he cleared his throat and nodded to her "This is Malia"

"Beautiful eyes... did you get them from your father?" The man asked while standing from his place as he approached the duo.


"Interesting... anyway, I'm sure they've told you a lot about me"

Her frown disappeared and a smirk played on her lips instead, shrugging at the Hale before she answered.

"The homicidal killing spree came up, I expected more to be honest, I'm disappointed"

Peter was clearly amused at her words while Scott looked as if he was about to faint.

"Well, we're all works in progress"

"Well, when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure they all stay dead?" Crossing her arms in front of her chest while keeping her head high, Malia's smirk widened once she noticed the confusion on his face as he lost his composure.

She was passing way too much time with Kisa... the smirk was becoming almost an habit already

"What do you mean?"

"What do you know about people being turned by a scratch?" Scott interfered, stealing Mal's fun.

"Did you scratch someone, Scott? Don't worry about it, the claws have to go pretty deep"

"Clawing someone's throat is deep enough for you?" The werecoyote questioned readjusting the leather jacket she had stolen from Kisa as she looked at them innocently.

"Well... yeah, it's possible, but it's also beyond rare, I mean, we're talking one one in a... million" by his face, he had finally understood where they were going to.


"Ding ding ding! We have a winner" Malia exclaimed with a fake smile while glaring at him.

"So, uh, Miguel

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"So, uh, Miguel... what did you say your last name was again?" Scott's dad asked as they started to eat.

"Oh, it's Juarez... Cinqua.... Tiago" Stiles answered before anyone could, making Kisa and young Derek snort quietly as he glared at the duo.

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