How the Petrovas negotiate

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"My friends, I don't think you're aware of your poor timing... do you know what the dark moon is?" The huntress questioned the trio, keeping an eye on the brunette beauty, who was eyeing the hunters around the room with calculating eyes.

"Part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky" Lydia answered.

"But do you know its meaning? Grief and loss, mija" the old woman questioned and answered, making Kisa narrow her eyes at her.

"For the pagans it represents a time of rest, integration and observance... in the womb of the dark moon plant the seed of need and desire... for only in the unformed darkness do all potentials exist in equality for it to become what it shall be" The vampire interfered, reciting an old pagan prayer that mentioned the dark moon.

"No need to be so negative about it" her hickory eyes met the dark ones of the huntress and she gave her a teasing grin.

Kisa knew what Araya was trying to do, placing what seemed to be like irrelevant information in their minds so they would be manipulated into getting to what she was thinking without the need of actually pronouncing the words.

It was a good way of mind manipulation, since the person wouldn't even realize that their thoughts weren't actually theirs to begin with.

"I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale" Araya continued, her eyes twitching in anger once she saw that her words didn't have the expected effect.

"Cause we don't like to lose" Stiles answered confidently, his hand wasn't clenching Kisa's anymore, but he still had their fingers intertwined.

"Front door, clear" the sound wasn't coming from anyone from the room, but over radio, making everyone stop talking to listen to whatever it was.

"South clear"

"Norte? Donde está norte?" Severo tried communicating once the silence followed, but there was no response.

"Stiles, take 10 off the table" Scott's voice finally came through the radio, getting a giggle from Kisa as she leaned her head against Stiles' shoulder while keeping her eyes on the leader, unaware of the deep redness that had covered his pale cheeks.

"Wolfie has Norte! Oh the horror!" Her smirk was enough to make Araya lose her composure, her once stoic face had now the anger written on it, he clenched, hands into fists and a glare pointed towards the vampire.

"Maybe you should just take the deal" Lydia suggested with a shrug and an almost innocent smile, making the older woman even angrier at them.

"While I'm keen to follow the warning of a banshee, I'm going to have to decline"

Kisa was growing impatient at the amount of time she was losing there, if they had followed her plan, which basically consisted on letting her in and out in a matter of seconds while leaving multiple corpses behind, they would be long done with this bullshit.

"All right, come on, just give us Derek. You don't want him anyway! Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist... just come on, take the money"

Kisa couldn't help but snort at Stiles words, while Lydia shook her head with her eyes closed, clearly embarrassed for him.

"Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate" Araya spoke through the radio.

"Kit? Time to shine" hearing Lydia's words, the brunette didn't waste anytime, standing behind the huntress with her hand around her neck in less than a second as she looked at the rest of the hunters who had their weapons up.

"Since you've been so kind in showing us more about the Calaveras, I'm going to tell you how us Petrovas negotiate" Kisa whispered by the leader's ear, making her eyes widen in fear.

"Stand down!" Araya shouted to the others, who were ready to shoot at the vampire, making them hesitantly put their weapons down as Stiles looked around with his mouth wide open.

"I see you've heard about me... Fantastic! I was getting some pretty... psychotic thoughts with all those guns pointed at me" Kisa stated, throwing Araya towards her chair while she sat on the table.

"Leave, boys" looking around at the other Calaveras, they did as the vampire commanded, receiving a wave from the brunette until everyone was out besides for Stiles, Lydia, Araya and herself.

"Kisa Petrova..." Araya muttered to herself, making Stiles and Lydia share a look, not understanding what she was on.

"In the flesh, cuter than you thought, I'm sure" Kisa taunted with her usual smirk, seeing the huntress shaking in fear under her gaze was quite pleasing.

"You're... the things you and your sister did, you two are demons!" Araya hissed, receiving an eye roll from the brunette who was getting bored with the conversation.

"I prefer poetic evil, can we return to the topic now? This conversation is boring me and this can be dangerous... for you" Kisa sighed, jumping from the table as she walked around the chair.

"You've ruined the Petrova-" her sentence was cut off by a loud crack as Kisa slammed the huntress' face against the table.

"I said... this conversation is boring me... you should listen..." the vampire hissed out, barely containing her rage as she looked at the bloody face of Araya.

"You will tell us everything you know about Derek Hale and then take us to meet the others" compelling the woman to do as she was told, they soon found out about someone named Kate Argent having their mutt.

And as they walked inside the cell with their friends, Lydia and Stiles watched with curious eyes as Kisa took Malia in her arms with face still expressionless.

Whatever it was that Araya was about to say, it had surely brought her bad memories.

"Let's go kill this Kelly girl, I'm sick of this city" The Petrova grunted as she carried the weakened werecoyote out of the building.

"It's Kate... you know what? Kelly is fine, it's perfect!" Let's just say, Kisa's glare was enough to turn Stiles into a rambling mess.

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