Love Puppies

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"If you do that again I'll throw you out of the bloody window you- what are you doing?"

"Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it"

"Psst, Demon, are you decent?" Kai whispered, not as low as he wished he was, waking up not only Kisa but Malia as well as they sat up on the bed

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"Psst, Demon, are you decent?" Kai whispered, not as low as he wished he was, waking up not only Kisa but Malia as well as they sat up on the bed.

Kisa seemed amused while Malia was groaning, eyes shining blue for the interruption.

"Are you asking if I'm morally decent or if I'm dressed?" Kisa questioned, going over to her closet as she took a large shirt over her naked form, before she chose another for Mal.

"Because the answer would be no, to both" Malia continued and started to put her own shirt and panties, an eyebrow arching when Kai entered the room even after this.

"Meh, don't care" the siphoner told them with a shrug, throwing himself on their bed as Malia gave him a playful glare while Kisa watched him with raised eyebrows from the door.

He held Maverick on his arms, the dog was waving its tail back and forth while licking his face, making Kai giggle.

"Why did you ask then?"

"Princess said I should ask before I entered" Kai answered while pointing his jaw to the direction of Amara's room "I asked, then entered" a proud grin growing on his face, making Kisa smile softly while Malia snickered.

"So you're Beasty" Kai continued, leaning his chin on his hand as he looked at Malia, who mimicked his actions and nodded "And you're the Angel"

"Only when you compare me with Demon though" Kai answered with a dark smirk, his eyes flashing to where Kisa was, remembering all the massacres she had committed before his eyes, before he returned his gaze to the werecoyote.

"Mal is a coyote" Kisa told him as she walked back to the bed, her head laying on Malia's lap as the younger woman started to caress her hair, flashing her murderous blue eyes to Kai, who leaned a bit closer to observe them in awe.

"They're pretty"

"They are blue because I've killed innocent people" Malia told him bluntly, making the corner of his lips tilt upwards before he laid down completely on the bed "Oh I know"

Kisa chuckled quietly at his answer and shook her head "Kai knows a lot about supernatural creatures, beasty"

Kai nodded at her words "In our coven we had multiple books about the supernatural and Demon has told me many stories... let's just say I used to spend many hours locked in my room, so I didn't have anything else to do besides reading"

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