Something Special

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"Okay so it has two origins, in Russian it could mean Kitty but I've lived among the Nkhonde people of Malawi for a while and guess what!" Kisa explained as she rolled Liam around the hospital, the younger boy cracking his neck up to look at her face with wide eyes full of curiosity.

"What?!" The nurses glared at them because of their loudness, but Kisa only had to spare them a glance and had them running away in fear, before a wide grin formed on her face.

"They actually named some girls Kisa in their population, but their meaning was completely different, it was along the lines of 'Mercy or kindness'"

The brunette snickered, making the young boy chuckle at her actions "Mama had hope until the last second" and Liam laughed loudly.

After his laughter abated to sporadic giggles, his cheeks red due to the excessive blood rushing to his face, he felt his lips being pulled in a pout.

"I don't know what mine means" his eyebrows were furrowed in wonder, giving her a look which reminded her of a puppy, which made the Petrova squeal as she pinched his cheeks.

"Worry not, kiddo! Kisa here has the answer to all your problems!"

That was her dramatic way of saying 'I have 4G, here look it up on google' before she passed him her phone.

Grinning, the boy quickly opened the navigator and looked it up, his bright blue eyes narrowing as he read it out loud for her as well.

"Liam is an Irish name meaning 'Strong-willed warrior' and 'protector'" He told her proudly "That's so cool" and the woman smiled at his excitement.

"I know, right? I mean my twin's name means 'pure' we are like... walking contradictions" Kisa snorted.

"Oh, I didn't see her at school" Liam pointed out with a frown, obviously wanting to get to know her twin since he was getting along pretty well with Kisa.

"She lives in another city" The brunette explained calmly, finally finding the room they were supposed to be in as she helped the boy on the bed.

Nodding at her words, he gave her back her phone, smirking at the picture of her locked screen.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

Her hickory eyes followed his and she saw what he was looking at, a picture of her and Malia. They were both smiling widely as they hugged each other.

"Of course!" Nodding her head seriously, she watched the boy smile excitedly at her, making a smirk pull on the side of her lips as she continued "I just didn't inform her of this yet"

"Kit!" Liam scolded as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, making her laugh softly, fingers messing up his hair.

"I'm kidding, we're not together"

"Why not?" His eyes were wide as he leaned forward, trying to understand the problem.

Sighing, the brunette sat on the bed, leaning forward with her hands around her mouth as if she was about to tell him a secret, making him eagerly lend her an ear as he waited.

"Because... she's... a Gryffindor and I'm a Slytherin" her vampire reflex didn't help her avoid the pillow that was sent flying to her face, making the vampire break into a fit of giggles as Liam pouted, looking away from her.

"I thought it was something serious!"

"It is! Do you actually want me to betray my blood because of that? If my fellows find out that I took care of a Hufflepuff then... oh my pride!" Placing a hand on her chest as she mocked fainting.

Sweet Child of ChaosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin