Behind my smile is everything you will never understand.

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Malia and Stiles were trying to get the key to the basement, but they didn't have any luck seeing as Stiles got caught trying to open the door.

Malia focused again on her hearing and decided to ask someone who probably knew way more than both of them "Kit, how can I get to the basement?"

The chocolate haired girl was laying on her blood, not moving from the place that they had thrown her as she tried to keep her eyes open, too afraid that she would actually die if she closed her eyes.

"There is another way... closed... unit" she muttered softly, wincing as her wounds stopped healing by themselves.

"You should... leave... while you can" Kisa whispered, her gaze darkening as the pain was overwhelming.

Malia ignored the last sentence and run to the room that Stiles was kept, quickly shaking him to wake the boy up as she told him the information.

Soon enough they got to the basement, Stiles had told her everything that was happening as they wondered around, the werecoyote looking around as she tried to spot her friend since Kisa had stopped talking as they looked into the files that were down there.

"Electroshock, ice baths, trepanation?" Malia asked unsure of what that meant, making Stiles look at the document and answer "That's what Oliver was talking about"

"Trepanation is when they drill into your head" the soft voice of the female suddenly caught their attention, making Malia quickly get up as she tried to find where it was coming from.

"Kit? Tell me where you're!" Malia shouted as she started to focus on her hearing again, cursing under her breath when she couldn't hear the girl's heartbeat.

"Brake the left wall" she whispered, curling herself as she shivered from the coldness of the ground.

Malia quickly run to the wall, making Stiles get up and follow her "I wouldn't do-" the boy started, but was quickly quiet when Malia punched the wall, making a hole into it as she saw the smaller girl laying on the floor.

Stiles started to help Malia to open the wall and they run to the panting brunette, gasping at her appearance before she muttered "Remember the stories?"

Malia instantly nodded her head, a look of realization forming on her face as she used her claw to cut her wrist, making Stiles scream in surprise, receiving a glare from the coyote as she put her wrist on Kisa's mouth.

The wounds immediately started to close and her tanned color reappeared, her hickory eyes snapped open as she held Malia's wrist tightly on her mouth, draining some blood from the younger girl as Stiles continued too shocked to say anything.

Malia's wince broke her out of her bloodlust, making Kisa let go of Malia's wrist and slowly got up. She was beautiful, even with the torn clothes, but she had a dark smirk on her face that Malia hadn't noticed before, not that she cared about it.

Kisa tilted her head to the side and said "I need to handle someone and we can leave, I'll be right back" before she disappeared, making the two teens snap out of their dazed state and Malia shrug, going back to help Stiles with his things.

They didn't know that Kisa was still famished, they couldn't imagine her thirst for those doctors' blood, she had passed every single day on the past 3 decades planning their deaths, some she didn't have the pleasure of killing herself, their age getting up to them before she could, but a few others... she could almost feel their bodies shaking at her fingertips.

And when Kisa walked through the halls of the mental health facility, humming an old Bulgarian song, much older than anyone in that building, her smirk only widening when she noticed her first victim, his body was already trembling, eyes wide in disbelief and mouth agape.

Kisa suddenly appeared behind him, her mouth just beside his ear as she whispered with a predatory smile on her face, hickory eyes analyzing his every movements like a snake looking at a rat.

"Greetings, Dave, what do you think about another therapy session? I must admit something... I've lived for over five hundred years and I can assure you that nothing will give you more thrill than tracking a human animal... run!" Kisa hissed, shoving him by the back of his head as the man started to run in frighten,  screaming for his life.

"One, two, Kisa's gonna drain you... three, four, you should have killed me before... five, six, it's a myth the crucifix... seven, eight, I have sealed your fate... nine, ten, you'll never wake up again"

 nine, ten, you'll never wake up again"

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