"That's not how it went at all! Jimin hyung told me that my picture doesn't deserve to be on the fridge and told me that mine was ugly! He also called me names too!" He shouted.

"Jungkook, did you slap your brother?" Dad asked but Jungkook stomped on the ground.

"He was being mean!"

"Did you slap Jimin?" He repeated and Jungkook lost it.

"He was being a bitch and you're being a bitch!" Everything went silent. "Dad- I didn't mean to say that." He quietly said. Dad looked pretty angry.

"Where did you learn that kind of language? Do you know how disrespectful and inappropriate that was?" He raised his voice making Jungkook and I shrivel up.

"I'm sorry," he quietly said as you could hear his teardrops hit the ground.

"Go to your room right now!" He ordered and Jungkook ran off. Dad then turned to me.

"You know the rules in this house. Why were you lying?" He asked me. My bottom lip quivered.

"I didn't want to be in trouble." I admitted.

Dad rubbed his hand over his face. "What did I say about lying to get out of trouble?" He asked.

"I will get into more trouble if I lie about it in the first place." I already knew the answer very well.

"Go to your room." I nodded my head and ran to my room. I was upset and sad and my cheek hurt and all I wanted was to cuddle up with Dad but he didn't let me even do that! I curled up on my bed with my teddy bear in my arms trying to find warmth in it.

I could hear Jungkook crying and Dad punishing him and I hated hearing that so much! I didn't want any of this and I really started to feel guilty about the whole situation. I ran out of my room and went up to the closed door of Jungkook's room wanting to barge in there but I just didn't have the guts to do it. Instead, I grabbed my shoes and ran out the front door.

I didn't know where I was going, nor did I know why I ran out in the first place. It was an impulsive decision but I just closed my eyes and ran. It was already getting a little dark outside and the wind was starting to blow. I ran and ran until my head crashed into something hard.

"Ouch!" I expressed as I grabbed my head. I looked to see what I hit and it was a tall man. He looked really familiar.

"Jimin? What are you doing out here?" He said. It was Hoseok ahjussi.

"Ahjussi, what are you doing here?" I asked back and he let out a small chuckle as he held up a small bag.

"I have something for your dad. Is he out here with you?" I shook my head.

"I ran out." I shyly said. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'm going to call your dad real quick to tell him that I'm here. Can you wait with me?" I nodded my head again. He took out his phone and put it up to his ear.

"Hello?" It was Dad's voice.

"Hey I'm here and I have Jimin with me haha." He said and Dad shouted a "what" on the other end.

"Um, okay, I'll let you in." He said and they both hung up. Hoseok ahjussi grabbed my hand and we walked back to the house. Dad opened the door and gave me a warning look.

"Hey!" Hoseok ahjussi said as he handed the bag to Dad.

"Thank you so much! You saved me!" Dad laughed as he brought me inside. "Jimin." He squeezed my arm.

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