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"We are here boss." Oliver said and I grab my gun and knives.

"Let's get this bitch." We get out of the car, Oliver was armed and loaded. Everyone had job, I was to find Wendy. Luis, was to bomb the place. Matt, was the getaway car. A few other man in the play as well. Franco was partner to me.

"Alright, let's go over the plan. We can see from afar that there are guards blocking the entrance of the house, so we will go behind. Yes, camera. Franco friend will disable the camera for 10 minutes, in that opening, we are to kidnapped Wendy. Got it?" I told them at sternly.

My men nod and we began to walk to the back of the house. My phone pinged and see the camera were off. I signal my hand to enter the doors of the backyard.

We enter and split to enter the house. As we get in the house, we heard chatting in the main living room.

"I'll told you to find her?! And this is what you got?!" A man yelled loudly. I look at Franco and he signal his head to her a better view.

We hid behind a wall, I peaked and see a man and Wendy, also a few people I didn't recognize.

"Sorry sir, but we need a better hacker to hack into their mainframe." The guy was slapped and he fell to the floor.

"Wendy, get your pig tails In check and get Franco back!" I laughed inside. "I want the Mexican Mafia gone! You hear me! Even if that means killing a child, then fucking do it!"

Oh hell no, he better not talk about Jett.

"Father, with all due respect, Franco won't even look at me. Do you know how many times I have seduce him? Too many! All he wants is that whore of a leader, Gabby. Gabby this, Gabby that, you know one time I caught him dreaming about her. He moaned her name, then when he woke up, I pretend to be asleep. Franco went into the restroom and jerk himself, and I heard EVERYTHING!"

I dropped my jaw and looked at me, his face was pure tomato and avoided my eye contact. I chuckled quietly, we both were crouching down. I lean my mouth into his ear.

"You dreamt of me?" I ask and his face flushed in embarrassment.

"Nooooooooo." His face was redder then a tomato, a cherry. He was so embarrassed, but I leaned in and kiss his cheek.

"Let's hope no one else heard that." Again he slowly shakes his head.

"Then fucking drug him, and have sex with him! Anything to piss off Gabby, do something. Kiss him, and have someone take a picture of you guys. Gabby will think that he cheated on her. Think Wendy!" I hit Franco shoulder.

"What the hell?" He whispered, rubbing his shoulder.

"Don't cheat on me."

"I wasn't even going to." He kissed my cheek and I went back to listening.

"Well Fuck Franco, we don't need him. We need Gabby." Wendy yell back at her father.

Her father grab a fist of her hair, "my stupid brother wanted her for something, not just for the sex for something else. Do you know how I found out what he wanted with her?" Wendy whined and shakes her head.

"I found a letter in his grave! I dug his grave with my clean hands! Dirt covered all over me!"

My heart sank, what did Robert really want from me? Before her father could say anything, we heard gunshots go off the west wing.

"Shit we been comprised." Franco said and I hurried to stand up.

I tap my on my ear piece, "guys whats going on?" Wendy and her father disappeared, and now in a rush to find her.

We quickly walk to the living room and no one, a guy ran out a room and I shot him. "In west wing, Danny decided to fucking eat and the maids found us eating and call security." Haven spoke and my anger grew, my fist tightened and my jaw clench.

"Let's just leave pronto." I said in a rush but before we could exit out the building, I was stop by no other, Wendy.

"Baby, you came back to play." Wendy said in her weird voice. I gaged and shake my head.

"Wendy, Wendy- still look awful as always." Franco said with delight. We both had our hand raised in the air.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Luis pointed at a gun on her but Wendy notice and look to her left, shooting Luis in the process. "NOOOO!" Luis falls to the ground and I shot Wendy on the leg.

I press the ear piece, "back house now!" Alex and Danny walked in and saw the horror look of my face.

"We need to leave." Franco said and we both grab Luis. We hurried out the back of the house, Alex carry Wendy.

My men shooting their guards as we escape.

Oliver ran over red lights and made it at home. Dr.Keen was ready to take Luis and made sure he was alright.

As the doors close where I could see Luis anymore, tears started form. Franco hugged me as I cried for Luis. Luis was always there for me, and he doesn't deserve to die.

And he will not.

He couldn't, he saved me and I need to save him back.

Danny walked in, fiddling with his jacket. I stop crying for one second and hold in my tears. "Gabby, I'm sor-," I punched him straight in the jaw. He stumbled back, and I was close to punch him again but Franco carries my body away from Danny and to my room.

"You didn't have to punch him." I look deadly at Franco.

Was he being serious right now?

"Oh really? He had one FUCKING JOB! Now Luis is in ICU, with a bullet lodge in his mid chest! How the fuck is he goes to survive!" I look at Franco with bloodshot eyes, his shoulder lumps as we stand in the middle of my room.

"Gabby?" I looked away from Franco and heard Jett voice from my bed.

"Why aren't you with Cat?" I ask him with calm voice.

"What happen to Luis?" Where was Cat?

"He got shot." I walked to him and see that Franco was walking out the room. I ignore the hurt and look at Jett. "Go back to sleep, and tomorrow you will see him healthy."

"He's going to be okay?" I nod at Jett.

"He always is." I got up from the bed but Jett grabbed my hand.

"Don't leave me." My heard was filled with sadden and I crawl into bed with him. I sang him a tune and eventually he fell asleep.

Then I slept.



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