26- Matter of time

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"WAKE UP!" I groan loudly from Jett body who just trampled on top of my body while I'm sleeping.


I close my eyes for one second and Jett took my blanket away. Coldness fills my body and immediately have goosebumps on my arms.

"Evil child." He laughs and somehow manage to drag me off the bed and downstairs.

We walked inside the kitchen with food testing my nose sense. Fruits and pancakes filled up my nose and I grew excited.

"BOSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" I look at the entrance of the door of the kitchen. Alex and my other men barged in.


"They-....." Alex grabs some air, his chest raises. "They, whew, we have information about the leader thing and shipment has gone mission."

A muffin was in my hand but was squished in seconds, pieces fell from my hand and down to the floor. "WHAT?!" My men looks down in fear.

"Let me go change and we will discus. Jett sweetie, eat first then started decorating your room. Carlos here will be helping you paint. Right?" I gritted my teeth at Carlos and nods.

"Yes boss, of course."

I change into casual clothing, then head back downstairs to my office. Alex, Oliver, Danny, Luis, Haven, and Matt were all in my office.

I walked to my seat and scowl at the sight of what Danny who was eating. "Danny I will personally grab the granola bar and shove it where it shouldn't belong?!"

Why have I been angry? What did I do this time? Franco and I relationship is perfect. A week ago from our special date and no fights.

But why have I been angry?

"Who pissed you off this morning?" Danny ask I ignore him. I caught my attention to Alex who holds the information.

"Alex speak."

"I think we have a mole."

Luis rapidly stands up with joy. "Boss, it's been a whole ass minute since I beat up someone or torture. The one in the bar doesn't count but if we find the mole can I torture someone."

"I just want to know why you are excited to even hurt someone. Do you need a therapist?" I muttered, and signal Alex to continue.

"I'm not sure who's the mole just yet but our shipment had gone missing. Stolen at night, the transportation people decided to knock out and by next morning, disappear in thin air."

I frustratingly rub my temples, I look to my left and grab a bottle but was taken away from Luis. "I need my drink Luis, and I will personally cut you with the knives you had gave me." I said with a straight face.

"All we know is that you been acting strange. Extra precautions. You haven't ask for your pads or favorite ice cream for the week." Now that I think about it, my period should have started two days ago. Don't mean anything, right? We had sex a week ago but doesn't mean it can mix right away, right?

I blink several times. "I can't get pregnant. He told me I can't." My mind froze into place, the thought I was concern is that I could possibly be a mother again. "Someone get two pregnancy test, or three, and no one mention this from Franco or ill rip your head off!"

"Yes boss."


Haven handed me the boxes and I peed on all of them. We all waited in my office, as in we as in whoever was in my office awhile ago.

I can't be pregnant. Am I even ready? The lost of my first child nearly destroyed me, if this didn't work out, I would lose myself again.


"Someone flip it, I can't look." I close my eyes and hear shuffling. They gasp and I open one eye.

"One says pregnant." Luis said with a smile. I kept In my excitement, not wanting to show how excited I was dying from inside.

I gasp, and immediately frown. A rush of blood went through my body, cramps forming and I knew I wasn't pregnant. "Second one says-,"

"I'm not pregnant. Let's just drop the subject and Alex tell me about the leader."

"But Gabby-?"

"I SAID THE SUBJECT IS DROPPED!" Luis gave up and leaned back in his chair. Alex sat down with a frown and looked at me with sympathy.

"We have currently found where the leader is staying but I think it may be stretch."

"And why is that?" I ask him, the urge of crying was pilling up on me.

"I got pictures that said the leader has been staying in a government property." I rolled my eyes and grab the alcohol bottle, yet again Luis takes it out of the hand.

"Everyone is dismissed except Luis, and someone check on Jett." They nod and walked out, while I was in the urge of crying and Luis looks at me with sympathy.

"Gabby, your pregnant."

I shake my head, "no I'm not. My period was just late, false test. So please go fetch me some pads and big tup of brownie from ben&jerry. Please." A tear escape from my cheek.

Anxiety grew on me but I let it pass.

I was up in my room when I heard knocking. "Come in." My face was covered with a pillow, wanting to escape the idea of being pregnant.

I felt a dip in my bed and a arm that had went around my waist. "Luis told me what happen, are you okay?"

Franco sexy voice talked but I was hurt. "I told him to drop the subject."

"I know lirio. I know. We can try if you want." I turn my body to see his chest, the hint of cologne hits my nose which I felt home.

"I don't want to try if I keep getting my hopes up. It's not going to happen, so please let it go for now. Let me just have Jett and you, I don't want to feel anymore pain then I should have." He kissed my forehead and Franco arm pulled my body more into his.

His hand landed on my waist and he looks at me but I looked away. Feeling ashamed and depressed. "Look at me." I slowly trail my eyes up to his, his eyes were filled with sympathy and love.

Tears were escaping and I couldn't stop them. Franco brushed them off with his thump and crease my cheek. "We will have a kid, just a matter of hope. I can feel it, it's not now, but I know when the time is right, and when it's unexpected, we will have a kid. Just don't give up so easily, look at Jett, you didn't think you would adopt him. Now your a mother, with a wonderful son. It takes time."

He kiss my nose then kiss my forehead, then my cheek, I couldn't stop my chuckled. "That tickles."

"I'm glad." His eyes never leaves mine.

I leaned in and kiss his lips. "Just matter of time." I muttered and he smiles big.

I have hope, just like he said it's only matter of time and with enough hope, I will get pregnant and have child with Franco.

Matter of time.



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