4- Therapist

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I sat in the waiting room with Luis who was playing a game on his phone.

"Gabby Vañe-Valúez is next." The receptions said and I got up.

"I'll be here waiting when you are done." I nod at Luis and follow the girl to a room.

As I enter, the therapist got up from her chair, "Hello Gabby, please sit." I gave her a smile and sat in the sofa and she sat in a chair across from me.

"My name is Kendra Gomez. Should we start?"
She ask as she takes out a notepad.

I began to bounce my leg, "I hate cats." I began.

"You.....hate cats? Okay, why?" Kendra picked up her glasses, putting them on.

I shrugged my shoulders, "they are annoying little creatures, they scratch you for something, and when you think you give them what they want, they scratch you again. And I keep bleeding and keep bleeding and keep bleEEDING." I call myself from the rise of the anger.

She then started writing, I was intrigued to see what she had wrote. "Tell me the real reason behind cats, why have they hurt you?"

I blow some air out of nose and start getting comfortable in the sofa. "I don't know, I guess it just happens when it wants."

"I know you don't want to be here but your friends have told me a bit about your condition. Lonely, out of place, no touching, depression, drinking which considering you are 19 and not 21 but I'll let it pass. Also, lost."

I scoffed, "I'm not lost and definitely not lonely. I have friends."

"Yes......" she paused and tilt her head. "But how's your love life like going?"

I hate my friends for taking me here.

"I don't need a man, I'm fine without one. Im independent."

"Every independent women wants a man in their life, it just matter of time when they proceed for that action. Take it to another level and explore. You seem tense, maybe go on a date or a nightstand."

Okay, what kind of therapist is she? Does she not know I don't like to be touch?!

"I don't want to have sex with a random person!" I yelled out louder then I should have. Kendra then started to write things in her pad and I huffed.

"Okay past love? Let's start there." I sit there in silence, not ready to break. "Sore subject?"


She smiles and gets up, she walks to her desk and grabs two water bottles. "Water?" I nod and nicely grab the water bottle. I drank it and she observe me as I drank.

"Yes?" I place the water bottle down.

"Your nervous, how nervous do you get often?"

"Not much-,"

"Don't lie."

"Okay." I huff again, "I get nervous but it depends where I am or who's around me. There." Again, she writes done on her pad.

"What the hell do you write on that pad?" I ask annoyed.

"Just trying to see what I can work with, help you become a better person of yourself. Tell me, any accident or losing any people that have happen through your life?"

I cross my arms, " a lot."


"My sense of sarcasm."

Kendra smirks and snicker, "you are one crack of a nutshell to hack I must say. Your friend Haven said you are closed off, what happen to make you like that?"

"I was kidnapped and they cut off my legs and regrew new pair of legs where they control how I walk."

Kendra lip twitch and she uncross her legs, "did they give you a new pair of a mouth too? Seems like they have that in control as well."

"Could be true."

"In 40 years or in the comics, yes. As for now, I doubt it."

Damn she's good.

"Tell me about yourself." She raised a eyebrow. "Tell me, why you are in a bad mood?"

"I-I am not in a bad mood." She says offended but the way she has been talking was through anger.

I chuckled, "really, because the time I have spent here, all you did was get anger at yourself." She froze. "Boyfriend related......girlfriend related?"She gulps and looks to her pad, "girlfriend problems, hmmmmmm. Now tell me, how's the sex life that made you so irritated or.......a fuming little, gnome?"

"OUT!" She stands up in rage.

I smiled and got up, "gladly." I walked out the door and see Luis immediately getting on his feet.

"You have another 30 minutes left, what happen?" He ask as we walk out side of the building.

"Called her gnome, she short." Luis sighs in disappointment.


"30 MINUTES AND YOU INSULTED THE THERAPIST?!!!" Haven yelled as he enter the kitchen. "What the hell Gabby?! She was trying to help?!"

I began to eat my ice cream. "She had attitude! Also, I fucking told you I wouldn't open up!"

Haven sits in front of me, "you have to, you are in a bad shape Gabby, just tell me what happen?"

I shake my head, "no."

"Gabby." I look away from my ice cream and look at him. "You need to understand that In the past year, you have hurt yourself, drinking until pass out, getting angry, you won't even go on a date!"

"I can go on a date!"

He laughs, "really?!" His eyebrow furrowed.


"I would like to see you try."

Damn, I really don't want to do it.

"Let's take a stroll to the diner." I recommend and he nods.


We made to the Diner and we sit on the booth. The waiter comes and he looked nice, alright looking so I had to ask.

"Hi welcome back, same things?" Waiter ask me.

"Yes but I was wondering if you would go on a date with me." My heart was racing more then ever, was I really go with this?

"Oh yeah!" He said to loudly, and I smiled.

"Here's my p-phone number." I wrote my number on a mini card I found laying around and passed it to him.

He smirks and puts the cars in his pocket, "food will be up shortly."

My hand was shaking, "relax." I didn't want to do this, my heart was raving and wanted to explode out of my chest.

My attention was then towards Haven, "I'm trying."

"This is good, maybe you will have sex with the guy." I eyed him, "one step at a time."

One step at a time, I can do this, easy peasy.

I think.



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