5-The date

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A date is simple.

You get to meet someone, talk about life, eat, then maybe a kiss on the cheek.

How the fuck, am I going to do this?!

I decided to wear something simple, very simple. Only because I wasn't ready to show myself just yet.

A light pink dress that covered much of my legs which I am glad for

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A light pink dress that covered much of my legs which I am glad for.

"GABBY!" I heard someone yelled from downstairs. I grab my mini purse and walk downstairs.

I actually never got his name. Dumb ass I am.

"Hi um, sorry I actually never caught your name?" I told him and he only smiled.

He was wearing black shirt with joggers and Jordan's 1 on. "Right! My name is Micheal."

"Hi Micheal my name is Gabby." I shake his hand and I felt okay.

"Should we go?" I nod and leaned into Luis who was watching every move Micheal was making. I kiss his cheek and he looks away from him.

"I want her back at 9, no later, or text me if you are, and no alcohol, she has a problem, also, no touchy and-,"

"Okay! Let's get going, bye Luis." I waved and we walk out the house. Micheal opened the door for me and I enter his car.

We drove in silence and got to McDonald's. Yes McDonald's, maybe he doesn't have much money. Mama always say don't judge beforehand, tho he is wearing Jordan's.

"Is McDonald's okay? I didn't have to time to make reservations for dinner." There's always Oliver garden, but no judgy.

"Yes of course, I haven't had McDonald's in awhile anyways." Lie, last week I was craving ice cream and the ice cream was broken!

We order food, and sat outside.

"Question, do you prefer barque with fries or ketchup with fries?" He ask nicely.

I hummed, "barque flavor, it has a tangy flavor."

"Oh I agree, do you know Fransisco Belás?! Because damn! He has the hots, if only he was gay."

I dropped my jaw and he laughed. "You're gay?!"

He nods, "I should've told you sooner but I wanted to know you, you sound like a great person to talk to."

Well, this date has gone wonderful!

"Well, I have no plan to go home and drink again." I chew on my chicken nugget in annoyed.

He hums and smirks. "How about we go to a club, I'm bored and I don't have work tomorrow, what do you say?"

"Fuck it."


We get to a club, random club that was close and damn, I wish I was wearing better clothing then this.

"Alright, you got to try the botanic."

I raised a eyebrow and nod at Micheal. He pass me a drink and I gulped it in seconds, the sour and the fizz hits my throat and I began to shake my head.

"DAMM, that's a wake up call." I said loudly, he laughs and nods.

"Oh hell yeah it is, another one?" He ask while placing the shot near me.

I sigh and nod, "FUCK LIFE!"

"FUCK LIFE!!!" He yelled back and we both drank at the same time. I squeeze my eye lids as the drink goes down my throat, burning my insides.

A song I recognized hits my ear drum and I start to move my hips.

Hooka by Don Omar.

"Mary se deja si por el cuello besan
Como le gusta se trago a su media hermanaz." I began to sang and he smirks.

"Su media hermana juana es loca de la cabeza
Juana baila fuma besa el dembow prende marihuana." He sang the next lyrics.

"Come on, I somewhat trust you to dance." I admit to him and I lay out my hand for him to grab.

"If you say so sweetheart." He grabs it and I felt tinkles but I calm down and we head to the dance floor.

I look into his eyes and he giggles, "I have to say but move your hips more girl, some guys are looking and you need to impress them."

"Maybe I don't want them looking, so how about dance with me?"

"Okay!" He place his hand on my waist softly, and we dance to the beat of the song. He put his arm around waist and tilt me back, I laugh and he pulled me back.

He twirls me and my hair flowed everywhere, I grab his hand and twirl him as well.

At the end of the dance we head back to the bar. I heard a ding but it wasn't coming from Micheal, it was me.

I took out my phone and read the text,
Luis:Where are you???

I think the boys will do fine without me telling them. For the first time, I'm letting go of worry's.

We drank and drank, and somehow I ended up in Micheal apartment singing Single Ladies by Beyoncé.

"Girl, I have to say, this was the most fun I had."

He said as he head to the sofa, I then followed him
behind, "same! I just needed to let go of my trouble." I looked at him, his eyes were closed and his head was moving slightly back and forth from the alcohol.

So I did something stupid, very. I kiss his lips, i quickly regret it and leaned back. "I'm sorry, I forgot you like boys, I can leave-,"

He stared at me with shock but he kissed me to stop talking. His lips sync with mine, he quickly take off my shirt. "I thought you were gay?" I mumbled in-between the kisses.

He was now on top of me, breathing heavily. "Tonight I'm bi for you."

That was the most sexy thing he said.

His eyes connected to mine, we both breath heavily. I think to myself, don't worry about anyone, don't worry about anyone.

So that's what I did and I kissed him hard, he grabbed my waist into his body, quickly taking off his shirt.

I felt free for once, worrying about absolutely nothing.



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