17- Court

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"DAMMIT!" I yelled loud enough that I scared my brain.

Stupid button won't enter the hole of the jacket. "DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!" Frustration mocks my thinking.

"What's wrong?" Hearing my door was open and Luis walked in.

We have a court hearing in half of hour about Jett custody. Lawyers said it's would be a hard case to catch but that's why I payed him, to fucking win.

Luis sighs and walk towards me, "what's wrong?" He ask while putting his hand inside his suit pants.

"It's been a week without him! A fucking week, I can't eat or think, I feel like.....like suffocating. Stupid fucking button won't fit!" I tried entering the button again inside the hole but I missed and slips off.

I grunt in angry, stomping my heel. Luis hand touched mine, I was shaking, scared of what might happen after today.

"Let go of the buttons." I huffed and I release the button from my suit jacket. Luis easily tried to close the buttons but he then started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him in annoyed.

"Because..." He laughs harder. "You have big tits dumbass." He laughs and then I realize the jacket won't close because of my boobs. No wonder my boobs hurt while trying to close it.

"Fine! No jacket it is." I drop the jacket on the floor, and grab my purse. Luis was still laughing. "Shut up! Or I will through that ps4 into the water!"

He quiet downs but laughs.

"It's going to be fine. You will get him." He kissed my cheek and walked out.


We get to the court house.

My lawyer, Mr. White meets me in a hallway before interning the court room. "I do all the talking, and you will be in the stand why they say. Question will be ask, just relax and everything will do as I said. Okay?"

"Okay." We enter the court room, Manny, luis, Danny, Haven, and Matt sits down behind the border of the court.

I and Mr. White sat in a desk and we waited for Jet and his parents.

"Court will begin shortly." The judge said and my hand started to shake. Haven walked behind me, he tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"Relax, it's going to be okay. Here." He passed me a stress ball to squeeze and I thank him. Quickly I started to squeeze it as anxiety rolls over me.

The door open and Jett walked in, he was bruise and I immediately stand up but Mr.White shake his head. Jett sat next to his lawyers in their desk and the judge adjourned.

"Let's begin!" She stomps her navel. "Left is the guardians of the child, right is who wants custody. Left start your statement."

"Jett is 8 years old, staying with his legally guardian with Hale and Macy Smith. Currently he was staying with this Gabby person, technically she kidnapped him."

My anger grew but I kept it in. "Right side defend." The judge announced.

Mr. White stands up. "Gabby feels that those parents shouldn't be rightful to take care of Jett as parents."

"Alright, let's have our first stand." The judge puts on her glasses and look at some papers. "Right side will do take, first will be Luis Reyes."

Luis stands up and walks over to the stand. He sits down next to the judge. "Right side ask question."

Mr. White gets up and walks to the middle of the room. "How was his stay in the house?" He ask.

"It was great, we would watch movies until we knock out at the end when we get tired."

Mr.white nods, "what are your feelings towards Jett?"

"Jett is like my nephew, he's happy all the time and I feel like a child with him. He just energetic."

"Last question, what's the issue with Jett and his parents?"

"His parents are being abusive towards him and when Jett arrived his first time at home, he had bruising in his face. So not a good relationship with them."

"Thanks that's all." Mr.White said and sat back down, their lawyer was up and now was ready to ask question.

"Mr. Reyes, what were your first thought when you just unexpected saw him at your house?"

Luis cleared his throat, "I was shock at first but when getting to know him, he was  nice, and calm. I get to know him very quickly."

"I see, and you think Gabby well take care of him if she gets custody?"

"Yes, all she does now is take care of him, cherish him, and have fun. She shows Jett what a kid should be, and thats exactly what she did."

The lawyer looks at the judge, "recently, well a year ago, Gabby was a nobody then unexpected makes money. What job does she do?"

"Gabby makes her money by buying clubs and hotels, she gets money that way and hopefully soon start her own business." Luis responded and I smiled inside my mind.

"Enough question." The lawyer walks back to the desk and Luis sat back down.

The judge grabs a file and start reading. "Alright, left start with your evidence."

Shit, I have a bad feeling.

The lawyer stands up and smirks at me, he put up his laptop and then proceed. "Gabby here gave out fake information to his parents on why he wasn't home. He was supposedly staying at a high end school, but instead was staying at her house. For all we know, she's a sexual predator."

We all gasp, even the judge gasp loudly.

"What?!" Danny yelled out, and his cheek went red after everyone was looking at him.

"Um proceed?" The judge said.

"Gladly. Gabby could've drugged him and sexually assaulted him." I felt something move inside my throat. I look to my left and see a bucket, instantly I went towards it and threw up.

Never in my life I thought I would be called a sexual predator.

"Alright, 10 minute break. I might need to throw up too." The judge announce and stomps her navel.

I walked out the room and saw Jett talking to his lawyer. "Gabby?" I turned around and it was Matt.


"Come here." I raised a eyebrow and I walked towards him, he hugged me. He's not a touchy person at all.

"Awww, your hugging."

"It's only a one time thing." He muttered and I laughed. "Also, you will get him back, you are happier when he's around."

"Thank you, I hope I do." I leaned back and he kissed my cheek.

"You will, not hope."

"Court is starting!" Someone said and we all enter again."

Let's get this over with.



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