23- Fair

312 7 0

"Shhhh. Dumbass."

"You shhh."

I groan from the whispers.


"Stop it."

"How about stop shushing?" I said to whoever was talking. I open my eyes and realize someone was staring at me.

That someone was Jett, I sit up and see I was still in my dress, my boobs almost flying out. I put the blanket over me just to make sure it doesn't fly out.

"What happen?" I ask.

"I don't know, Danny won't tell me." I look at Danny and he shrugged.

I sigh and look back at Jett who was wearing his pjs, "how was time with Matt and Haven?"

Jett jumped on my bed, "we ate pizza, and ice cream, and played Mario kart, I beat them like always. We also played hide and seek."

I landed my finger on his forehead, "what to explain the bump on your forehead."

"I may or have not, hit a wall while trying run away from Matt." He said nervously with a smile. I shake my head and pat his head.

"Alright, Jett go downstairs I need to talk with Danny."

"Fine, also their is a man downstairs, it's daddy bunny."

Grabbing my pillow and hitting my head with it from exhaustion. Then throwing it at Jett who laughed as he gets out of the room. "Speak."

Danny sat down, getting comfortable. "Last night, Manny throws a bombs, that blinds you and puts you to sleep, we were able to get you guys out. The leader escape in the process."

"Guess who was the leader?" I smirk crossing my legs.


"Wendy, Franco ex fiancé."

He half choke and half chuckled. "Did not expected that. Also, I can see your boob inches away from flying, I'll let you change before Franco beats me up.

"How embarrassing!" I tried covering myself up, he left and I got up to take a shower.

I take a quick shower then picking a outfit for the day. I walked downstairs to hear mutter. "Look at the ass-,"


"Why the fuck you talking about her ass?" I look at Franco who had smacks Alex. Poor Alex.

"I was paid."

"Paid?" Franco question Alex while I sat down next to Jett to observe the conversation.

"Yeah, Luis and Danny made me do it. I want a apology for slapping me." Alex cross his arms like a child.

Franco gave him a annoyed face, "hell no." Franco turned my way and had change his expression.

"Gabby, I would want to change his name to danger bunny." Jett spoke.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"He loves danger. Also, he seems like a cool guy. You guys dating?" He pokes my shoulder many times and I laugh.

"Yes we are." Franco came towards us and sit infront of us.

"I'm Fransisco Belás." Franco introduce himself.

"I already know who you are. We spoke like five minutes again." Jett pointed out and I smirk. I kiss the top of his head.

"Uh, yes we did. I like to introduce myself. Anyways, I wanted all of us to go somewhere, the three of us."

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