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A week left and I have no idea what the hell to do.

Meetings left and right just to buy the company I want.

I hurried home and take my phone, and I press the photo app. The only pictures I have were with Gabby. The last one was a picture of the baby picture we were going to have.

Tears threaten my eyes lids but I closed myself and grab a bottle to start drinking.

Drinking then drinking then more drinking. I couldn't stop drinking.

I wanted to call Gabby, so that's what I did but she didn't answer and went to voicemail. "Hello is Franco, Fransisco, whatever name you call me, I called because fuck my wedding, fuck Wendy, I haven't even fucked her, ha! And fuck you, fuck you for coming back and now I have feelings again and I always did! Fuck you Gabby, but I would like to fuck you! You know what ....fuck this world! Fuck everyone I see! Fuck them! Fuck-,"

"End of voicemail." The robot said on the phone and I groan and call her back and again went straight to voicemail.

"You stupid voicemail whatever shit, cut me off, what was I saying? Oh yeah! Fuck marriage! Fuck life! This alcohol is surprisingly good, where the hell did I get this?" I look at the bottle to read it. "V-E-I-L vodka, veil?! What the fuck is that?! Also, Gabby, at that party, you looked fucking hot, your were a sun radiating over my head. Damn girl you were hotspot to my phone. See what I did there-,"

Voicemail cuts me off again, so I call again.

"I swear to god, I will call apple and I will buy their company for cutting me off! Stupid shits! Also, if I hear you are fucking with Luis, I will personally bury him down to the ground with my own dirty hands! I got shovel hands bitch! I'm not calling you a bitch, I'm calling my hands bitch, I did do medi pedi once in awhile. I blame you, you got me Into this shit but I like it, yeah!" My door bell rang. "Well shit, the pizza man finally here, and I swear to god if they gave me the wrong crust, I will tip them 100 dollars to quit. Piece of sh-,"


"Son of a bitch!" I yell into the phone after it cut me off. I throw my phone to the couch and walk slowly to the door.

I open it and it was Wendy. "I didn't order Wendy's, I order Dominio's!" I groan and left her speechless.

"Uh hello to you to, I keep calling you and your not answering dumbass. What's wrong with you?!" I grab another bottle and start drinking.

"Nothing bitch."

"Stop calling me that, or I will take 50% from your company."

I laughed, "oh Wendy, she thinks she smart. You can't take it away until we are marry. Who's the dumb one now." I stumbled on a chair and I sat down.

"Why have you been drinking? We are getting married in a week! They are not time for fooling around?!"

"I'll drank if I want! Guess what I did last night."

"What?" She snarks back.

"I had sex."

"You what?" Her eyes began to tear.

"I had sex with someone, and ouuu she was good. What to know her name?"

"Tell me!" She angrily said with tears falling down her cheek.

"Gabby Vañe-Valúez, I touch her curves, I touch those plumbing lips, her ass right on my lap, she moaned my name very loudly. She even said I love you to me and guess what I said back." She waits for answer back. "I love you too!" I smiled darkly at her, even though it never happen, it did in my dream.

"You bitch!"

"No no, I think you shouldn't talk badly about yourself hon." I gave her a grin and tears start foaming in her eyes.

"I'm done with this bullshit, wedding is off you asshole! And so is the deal! I hope I never see you again, oh if I see Gabby, I will rip her hair out!" She tried to scared me but I looked her.

"Oh but you can try hon, she stronger then you, also better brains." She screams and grab her purse, storming out of the house.

That what I really had to do, get drunk and tell lies, today is a good day!

Few minutes later and I grab the door, pizza man again but this person looked familiar.

"Do I know you?" My words slurred.

The girl takes out the pizza from the bag and gives it to me. "Yes, Gabby friends."

I squint my eyes again and then it was all clear. "Cat! How are you doin? Was the coma harsh on you?"

She chuckled and walk in herself. I open the pizza box and start eating. "Im here because Gabby needs you, the day I awake was I saw that Gabby was different. She says she doesn't love you but I know she is lying. I can tell."

I sigh and look her, "I don't know, last time we talk, I broke her heart all over again. I'm trying and I'm trying but I don't know what to do anymore." I was about to take another sip but Cat took it away.

"No more, get sober and get sleep. Look I have to go, just stop drinking okay?" She sternly looks at me and I nod, placing the drink back on the table.

"Fine, fine. I'll see what I can do."

She left and I was stuck with pizza.

So I eat pizza and slept on the couch.



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