Bet on it (part one)

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This is kinda p-13 ish. Or rated R to some people so that's a warning :)

The bed is creaking and that's all I can really hear, besides Carl. My mouth stayed parted and my eyes kept glued to the ceiling. I let out little heaps of breath as he continued to thrust. His head was in the crook of my neck. I finally came undone beneath him and after a couple of seconds, he did too.

He laid on top of me panting. When we caught our breath, he rolled beside me and I pulled the covers up. We both stared at the ceiling this time.

"That was amaz.." He stopped mid sentence and turned his gaze towards me, "H-how was I?" I felt one of his hands interlace with mine. I smiled, taking in all his beauty. His soft skin, his sweaty brown locks, those sapphire eyes. "I don't have anything to compare it to." I started as I laid on his chest. "But it felt amazing." I said quietly closing my eyes. "I agree." He sighed before wrapping his arms around my back.


My eyes flickered open before I sat up. The sun in the window was blinding me so i groggily rubbed my eyes. Carl want beside me this time. My feet pulled over to the side of the bed and I noticed a note on my nightstand.

'Had to leave before any grownups noticed. I'll be around somewhere if you need me.'

I stood up and reached for my dresser, deciding to shower before I put any clothes on. I made sure to be quiet in the hall, I'm pretty sure my mom is gone but it'd be weird if she caught me walking naked to the bathroom.


I knocked on Mrs. Jesse's door, asking if all the kids were here. "I'm not sure, I can check for you. If not, they're at Mikey's." She said leaving the door cracked. She returned to tell me to go to his house.

When I got there, I knew his parents weren't home because I could hear blasting music in the garage. I let myself in and walked, getting ready to open the door to the cold pool table room.

I heard my name over too the music and paused on the door knob. Ron was yelling something but I couldn't make it out. The music turned down lower. "Dammit you all, I can't hear shit over the music." Carl groaned. Maybe he's telling them we are a thing now. I wanted to listen and see.

"How much do I owe you?" I heard Ron chuckle and i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. They aren't even talking about me? I swear I heard my name.

"You gotta sneak two bottles of beer from your dads fridge stash." Carl said back. "Can't believe you actually went through with it." Mikey's voice was heard. Enid appeared beside me about to walk in but I held my arm up, motioning for her to be quiet. She did what I asked but looked confused.

"She was pretty good. I'm not gonna lie." Carl started and my heart sunk just a little, they're talking about me I'm positive. He's probably telling them he took my virginity last night.

"She better have been good, considering I have to sneak to beers for this bet. How'd you get her to do it?" Ron's voice was muffled through the door.

I couldn't breathe, my heart was aching and tears formed in the corner of my eyes. I started to breathe heavily and Enid looked worried. She doesn't talk much to anyone but I could tell she was pissed. I started to back up. Everything in me was saying to kill myself already.

I looked back at her, her eyes showing worry and anger. My eyes showed hurt and devastating heartache as they started to tear up even more. Any minute now I was going to break.

She gave me a knowing look before shoving the door open "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!" I heard her yell, they were probably surprised considering she was usually quiet. I could hear her going off on them and them trying to hold their ground.

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