Daydreams end

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So if you haven't read it, I have a chapter called 'Nightmares end'. It's sort of links to this chapter. Someone asked if I could write the same gist of the idea but when you're immune Instead of Rick. Here goes nothing :)


I remember how it all started. The apocalypse. I remember the Nurse. The needle. The patient. The hospital. I just don't know exactly how it happened.

Maybe it was the chemicals. Maybe the virus had already started in the poor man.

I remember sitting in the hospital bed, my mom Carol next to me. I was only ten at the time. Sophia sat next to my mom. My arm was broken. 'I fell off my bike'. That's what mom made me tell the doctor. My poor excuse of a dad was no where to be found, considering he held no guilt for cracking my elbow in half.

A middle aged man was in the room with us, only thing between us is curtains. He's much over weight and scrubble plasters his whole chin. I don't think he's been awake for a while, he was in a coma.

The blonde nurse walks in with a fake smile and makes her way over to me, she pulls the curtains completely back. I see the man sleeping, he has breathing tubes scattered through out his nose and mouth.

"Hello sweet heart." The women greets as she gently fools around with my arm, asking every five seconds if something hurts. I may be ten, but Sophia and I are used to pain by now. "Must have been a hard fall." The women says more to herself than I. I contemplate on telling her the truth but decide against it when I look at moms warning expression.

The news is playing in the corner of the roof, where a small TV is. It's on the other side of the room, my bed is closest to the door while the old man is on the far end.

A red headed old lady walks in and smiles walking past us. She pulls out a empty needle and I watch as she confusingly scans over a couple bottles of fluid.

"Gene." She is more questioning than demanding. My nurse diverts her attention to the lady and walks towards her.

"I can't remember which one it is. Maybe you.." I toon out of their conversation, just watching their body behaviors. The lady furrows her eyebrows together and ends up mixing two bottles.

My mom gives a stern and scared look towards the women. Sophia looks confused. They're thinking what I'm thinking. Those women have no clue what they're doing.

I watch the red headed nurse stick the liquid in the needle and minutes later she injects it into the man.

My nurse walks back and examines my arm a bit more. I stare at the other nurse and she notices. She starts to smile and say something but the mans bed shakes. I jump back and my mom holds me in place by my head, Sophia is hiding behind her. The man is seizing and two more nurses and a doctor rush in to the mans aid.

Two minutes go by and the man stops moving. The beeping on the screen goes blank and the medical trained people give up. They pronounce him dead, right in front of us. It happens all at once, and when they realize a shaken up family is in the same room, the doctor starts to tell us he's going to move us in another room.

As he's explaining calmly to my mother, my eyes contort back to the dead man. Id never seen a dead person before. I almost think I'm going crazy when his eyes twitch. I shake moms hand but she doesn't pay attention to me. I stare coldly at the blue body, he twitches his arm. "Mom." I grumble under my breath and shake her a little harder. "What?" Her tone shows annoyance at my interruption. I point my finger to the other bed and her and the doctor look back.

Another twitch. "UN-believable." The surgeon breathes in disbelief as the body starts to twitch even more. He calls the four nurses back in. They rush to the bed side, waiting to welcome the man.

He finally opens his eyes, but they're are different to me. My eyebrows contort in confusion as the doctor welcomes the man. He grunts sitting up, before the UN-expected happens. He takes a huge bite into the doctors arm. Everyone is screaming and its chaos. I yelp in fear and Sophia screams.

My mom panics and grabs me out of the bed. I remember being sloppily thrown over her shoulder as she grabbed Sophia's arm, taking us as fast out of the hospital as she could take us.

We stayed in our house, news going on and on about more reports. We eventually had to pack and start for the road, trying to get rid of any danger in front of us.

That was the beginning. I lay gently across the bed, looking out of the window. My eyes hurt and I want to sleep but I can't. Im still new to Alexandria, and mom is oddly nice to these people. It creeps me out.

I hear a knock on my door and flinch upwards. "who is it?" I ask. "Me." Carls voice sounds on the other side and I give him permission to come in.

He sits at the bottom of my bed, laying down. Half of his body is dangling off and he turns his head to look at me with a cheesy smile. I giggle at him and move forward to playfully push on his chest. "What do you want?" I laugh and he chuckles as I bend over to tickle him. He turns us over and stares into my eyes with a smirk.

"Just wanted to see that pretty little face of yours." He winks before pecking my lips quickly and sitting up. "Since we aren't allowed to go to the meeting, I figured I'd spend my time with you. I put Judy to sleep but I brought her over and laid her on the couch in the living room." He tells me as he raps his foot against the floor.

"That's fine. You put pillows around her, right?" I ask and he nods his head.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?" I take a deep breath to release the tiredness im feeling. It doesn't work. He takes my hand in his and we move to the other couch across from Judith, turning the tv on low.

Carl and I were just friends up until our first day in Alexandria. I mean I always had feelings for him but none that I could explain. Now that we feel a little safer, we were obligated to give things a try. It's nice honestly.

We're halfway in some movie that I haven't payed any attention to. Carl is sitting up with his arms draped over my body, im laying across him.

My eyes get droopy and I almost fall asleep. They gently close.


They open back up and I jolt up with Carls body. He screams at me to stay inside but I stand up to walk with him. "no don't go out there, if you do I am too!" I yelp back. I hear Judith gurgle and start to whine. Carl looks me in the eye. "I need to make sure everyone is okay. Please stay and watch Judith." His words are slow and I nod my head reluctantly.

He leaves in an instant and im left to bounce Judy while I pace back and forth. I decide on grabbing a kitchen knife in one hand, just in case.

The door clicks open and I hold my knife out, a baby in the other hand. It's just Carl and I sigh in relief as I walk towards him. "What happened?" I beg to know. He doesn't seem upset, just a bit startled I guess. "Pete and Reg are dead." He says in a hushed tone.

My eyes jolt open and I suddenly feel a pain in my right arm. I trace up and down my body. There's a cast on my arm. Im in a child's body. My mom holds my other hand and smiles softly. Sophia? Tears welt up in my eyes and my breath hitches. I begin to panic. It was all a dream. All of it.

"Don't cry y/n, I know it hurts. Sophia go get the nurse." Mom try's to soothe me, running her fingers through my silky hair. Sophia stands to her feet and leaves the room. There's a curtain and I can hear a heart beat echoing through the room.

Within minute, Sophia's back. She sits back in her chair as a blonde nurse walks in. I can't breathe. She pulls back the curtains and I can fully see a middle aged man in a coma.

"Hello sweet heart."

Sooo how is it? Im super tired and im really sorry for mistakes. Again, if you haven't yet, please read nightmares end! It's based off of that chapter! I think it's kind of a flipped version though. The one based on Rick ended with a positive note and he still had everyone.
'Nightmares end' as in everything bad will soon end.
'Daydreams end' as in all good will fade away.
Kinda creepy? Goodnight, comment what you think! xx

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