Hes scared(fight/love)

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The church was scarce of supplies so Rick, Carl, Daryl, Michonne and I went on a run. Down the dirt road a couple blocks, was a small town. The town where Bob had been bit, I quickly changed my thoughts from him.

We found our way into a grocery store, grabbing as much as we could take. No walkers were there, but to be safe I kept my knife and gun half way out of my pocket. I wondered to another isle, there were cans of vegetables on shelves. I started to walk towards it but my eyes pondered to something else, a poster of a little boy hung up.

He looked around five, he was in a ad for child neglecting. He was smiling while holding the hand of a social worker. 'There are rules when it comes to parenting, don't abuse your rights' it read in bright red ink. I inched closer to it checking at the bottom right corner, it was dated 2009. Those two people were probably walkers or rotted corpses by now.

"Ha," I chuckled to myself, "if only they knew the world now." I began to turn around "most parents eat their kids." I mumbled to myself before getting startled by a pissed off Carl.

"Stop reading posters and get the food. That's why we're here." He rolled his eyes and began to stick some cans in his white bag. "Sorry I didn't known a minute would kill." I threw back at him.

He stopped, turning very slowly. His eyes glaring at me. "Trust me, minutes kill. Like the fact that you're not supposed to be alone on a run, could kill you in a heartbeat stupid." He spat at me before ordering me to get the last few cans he couldn't fit. I scoffed at him but didn't say anything back.


"What time is it Rick?" I questioned, he pulled his pocket watch out and answered 10:30. I should probably get some rest. Carl and I shared a room. We took turns sleeping on the pallet and couch.

I wasn't sure if I even wanted to be around him after my rude in-counter with him earlier. He has been so pressured and stressed to grow up lately, that he's taking it out of hand.

I figured he might already be asleep since he's been in there for a while, so I slowly and quietly opened and closed the door. I could hear soft crying and my heart filled with sorrow for him.

I turned a lantern on dim and walked to the back corner of the dark room, he was facing the wall. "Carl?" I whispered softly. I startled him and he turned quickly with tears drawing down his cheeks.

"What are you doing in here?" He cried with a small hint of annoyance as he tried to dry his watery eyes. "Well I sleep in here," I started off before sitting down next to him "what's wrong?" I looked at him in the eyes. I sat my lantern down and he turned around, too embarrassed to face me.

" I won't tell anyone, whatever it is." I whispered to him, laying a hand on his back and rubbing him. I knew it comforted him because his attempts to stop crying hard eased down into small hiccups.

"I'm scared y/n." He began and his eyes watered up again. "I'm just really scared." He turned his head to the floor.

"Everyone is scared of walkers, it's okay." I told him, rubbing his back even more.

"No." He turned to face me again. "I'm not scared of just that, I'm tired of losing people. I'm scared of the 50/50 chances of something bad happening. I love everyone here and I don't want anyone getting hurt. I'm tired of all the bullshit, I just want life to be normal again. Safe." He mumbled keeping his ocean blue eyes on mine.

"We're all afraid in this world Carl. Yes we've lost people and it's scary living on earth's hell. But we all have each other, we all have each others' backs. I have you, and you have me." I smiled at him. Small curves rounded into his lips.

He didn't reply, he just pulled me into a tight grip. Hugging me for a long time.


"NOOO WAYYY!" Daryl joked at Carol and everyone laughed as she tried to tickle him. Rick held baby Judith, talking to her as she giggled. Michonne and Carl were playing rock paper scissors over the last candy bar. Tyreese, Sasha, Glenn and Maggie laughed over in the corner. I could see Beth and Noah flirting and Gabriel conversed with Abraham, Rosita and Eugene.

Sometimes I do want a cure, but I don't regret it happening, cause even though I was an orphan, I had a family right here. I loved these people and they loved me. A smile etched on my face and Carl caught a glimpse, smiling back at me and winking. He knew what I was thinking.

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