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"C'mon y/n!" Carl chuckled. On a run, he had found some alcohol beverages and stuck them in his bag, he was trying to get me to drink with him. I hesitated before shaking me head. "No thanks. I mean you're supposed to be quiet in my room and if we're both drunk, what if something bad happens? Remember Patrick? You can drink but stay in my cell and I'll keep you company while I'm sober." I smiled, he finally gave up.

"Alright, suit yourself." He smirked, gulping the one in his hand. "Watch yourself there Grimes, your non alcoholic little body can't take all that shit." I warned him before grabbing it out his hand. "Fine, sorry. I'll take it slow." He grinned while pulling the drink from my arms.

"I'll be back in half an hour, stay here and I'm locking you in so you don't do anything stupid." I laughed walking out. He grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?" He questioned while taking another sip. "I promised to help Sasha with the washing tonight. Be back in a bit." I smiled at my Bestfriend before leaving the cell.


It took a little over half an hour, maybe forty five minutes or so. I could tell that Sasha was tired after coming back from that disease, so after the first fifteen minutes, I excused her and said I could finish them myself.

I walked past the cells with my gun close, my cell was top floor and farthest away from people. I don't want another in-counter with walkers, I'm not taking the chance.

I got to my cell and unlocked it, Carl was sleeping on the bed or so I thought. I locked the cell back and turned around. "Boo!" He jumped at me, causing my heart to race as I grabbed my chest. I realized his drunken state and sighed. "I gotcha didn't I?" He winked at me, his words slurring. I sighed once more before putting my hand in the small of his back and led him to the bunks. "Alright you're taking bottom tonight so we don't have injuries." I started to try and lay him down on the bed.

He smiled a sheepish grin and started to pull me with him. I ended up falling on top of him and before I could get up, he turned us over. "But I like being top." He whispered seductively, his hot breath growing close to my neck. I was automatically turned on. I removed my dirty thoughts and pushed it back through my head that he was drunk and he was my best friend.

I pulled away gently, standing up. "No Carl. You're drunk." I said sternly. "Hey, I'm drunk." He smirked. I chuckled a little. "State the obvious." I smiled stupidly at him and he laid on the bed. "I'm so drunk that I can't properly put my sleeping clothes on. Help me?" He looked up at me with playful puppy eyes.

"Dammit." I whispered to myself before closing the cell and walking down the hall to get his sleeping clothes. I returned and he was laying on the bed still.

"Unbuckle me." His smile faded and his expression showed pure lust. I wanted so badly to push him down then and there but I held myself back. "As you wish Carl." I rolled my eyes and pulled him off the bed.

I pulled his jeans off and I saw a bulge in his boxers, he didn't seem to care. My mouth parted a little and I look up at him but he was just staring at me with a straight and lustful face.

Stop y/n I reminded myself and closed my mouth. I helped him get his other pants on and he just kept a steady gaze on my face. "You have a t-shirt on so you can sleep in it." I told him, looking down so I didn't have to meet his burning eyes.

"Turn around, I'm changing." I told him and he turned. I walked over to the small basket that only held about two other outfits. I started to remove my shirt slowly then my pants. I felt eyes on my red lace bra and purple panties. I turned to him and he once again, had that straight look on his face.

I covered myself. "Carl, seriously." I whisper-yelled as my cheeks turns pink. "Don't be embarrassed. Let me watch." He said very softly, almost like he had went from rowdy and horny to loving and romantic. STOP Y/N I yelled again to myself.

"No." I reluctantly told him and turn to change my underwear. I heard him sigh in defeat but it's wasn't rude sounding, more sad. I finished dressing myself. Carl turned around and smiled softly at me. He was beginning to sober up just a little. He laid down on the bunk and I started to climb to the top. I felt a gentle touch on my calve. I pulled myself back down.

"Yes?" I weakly smiled, very tired. "Sleep with me." He pleaded and patted the empty space. "Carl." I started but then stopped myself. "Please." He gave me a loving look and I gave in. I know tomorrow will be super awkward when he asks why we're in the same bed, but that'll be tomorrow's worries. I laid down beside him and kept a small space between us. I looked up at him and he was giving that gorgeous gaze on me again.

"Good night." I whispered and closed my eyes. I felt him pull me close, onto his chest. I looked up at him again and he was closing his eyes and smiling. This time I didn't refuse or pull back, I nuzzled myself in and went to sleep.


My eyes started to flutter and i Automatically started to regret giving in until I looked beside me. He was still there, laying beside me. He was awake though and grinning at me. He wasn't holding me this time, but had himself propped up on one of his elbows, carefully examining me.

"Last night I- I we. You and me well mostly you. You wanted uh and I said no for you but then you asked to sleep and I-" I tried to explain but was cut off by a soft luscious kiss. His lips felt perfect. I didn't say anything, I just smiled back.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now