Nightmares End

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So guys this is actually not a Carl Imagine, nor are you in it but I've really wanted to do it. I promise Carl imagines from now on but could you read this and comment how you felt? I plan on breaking your hearts! Listen to your favorite sad music for the full effect. Sorry for any mistakes!

Rick walked out of the hospital, shaking his head as he saw Maggie and the group. He knew she'd be devastated. Daryl carried her limp body in his arms, tears gathering at his eyes as Maggie broke down with all bitterness. Then it happened.

His eyes opened quickly and he panted, taking large quantities of breath. His mind raced as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. His eyes traced to the IV in his arms. Then he realized the all familiar sound of technology. The beeping on the screen, letting him know that his heart was beginning to slow at a normal pace.

He tried to take everything in. His lips parted as he looked at the tv in the corner, playing the news that he hasn't heard in years. No walkers. No destruction. The door opened and the nurse walked in with her clipboard. "Hello Mr. Grimes, you've been in a coma for three months. I know you're adjusting but we need to run a few test." She smiled softly at him.

He squinted his eyes and shock ran through his veins. The screen began to pick up pace as his heart race hitched. "Maggie." He started to move towards her with his arms, sitting up in the bed.

She carefully moved his hands back with hers. "No sir, I'm Nurse Cambridge." She tried to tell him. He shook his head and the screen made even faster sounds. He tried to catch his mind up with his heart. He looked over at the door. An Korean man walked past with a pizza order. Rick shot up farther and pushed himself backwards, pointing towards the hallway and flinching. "Glenn!" He tried to say. She turned to the hallway and saw nothing.

She was confused. "I'll be back with help sir." She said quickly before rushing out. He looked out in the hallway and grabbed a hand full of hair. A women's soft and vulnerable expression showed as she kneeled down in front of a little girl in a hospital gown.

"Carol!" He tried to get her attention. The women noticed his screaming and turned to see him, the little girl moved her head around to look towards the sound. Her black eye and bruised lip contorting into fear as Rick shouted Sophia. The women looked down at her daughter then back up at him, grabbing her arms and moving quickly away.

He panicked and began spazzing and yelling out all names he could think of. Nurse Cambridge showed up with three more nurses and a Doctor. They rushed to his side to strain him. He called the names who belonged to each face.

"Maggie! Andrea! Sasha! Beth!" He looked over at the Doctor as he tried to calm him down. "HERSHEL GET ME OUT!" He yelped as he resisted the straps. "Sir, we've called your family! They'll be here but I need you to calm down!" He tried to calm the injured man.

They started to move the bed out of the the room and into the cluttered halls. Although everything was rushed, he saw everything in slow motion. His eyes roaming around.

'Michonne' and 'Tyreese' at the checkout counter with a young baby, who looked the age of three. The waiting room, 'Eugene' slowly opening his mouth in shock as the Dr. 'Gabriel' gave him unexpected news. 'Bob' on his phone. 'Tara' with 'Baby Judith' in her lap as 'Rosita' and her shared a magazine.

He glanced to the other side of the rooms. 'Abraham' kneeling down and smiling at one of his boys. "You're tough boy." Rick heard him say, barely audible as his wife and other son grinned.

'Merle' and 'Daryl' sat in a chair as 'Dale' sat behind a counter and explained something. Rick eyes rolled up into his head as he yelled in pain. Not the pain of his shot wound, the pain and ache in his heart.

They rolled him to a new room, two areas separated by a curtain. Dr. 'Hershel' injected him with fluids to calm him. Rick let out a soft breath. "Your family will be here shortly." He finally breathed as they walked out.

Rick heard soft mumbling before a young boy pulled the curtains back. A man sat in the chair next to a smiling women. She looked superior. "I hope you don't mind, my son wanted to watch the television." She said.

Rick didn't think twice before replying. "Morgan, you gotta help me." He started to panic and whine. "The apocalypse, your kid, your wife." He couldn't process his words as the man furrowed his eyebrows. "Son, close that curtain." He said quickly as the boy pushed the curtain back.

Rick grabbed his hair and began to pull, making a noise to show he was frustrated. The door opened. "Dad!" A young Carl rushed to the bed side. Lori walked in after, confused on why he seemed upset. Shane slowly moved in, looking over and smiling at him. "Whats my best man doing?" He asked. They started to walk forwar--

Then it happened.

His eyes opened up to the campfire. Maggie cuddled into Glenn. Tyreese, Sasha, Abe, Rosita and Tara on watch. Carol sleeping with Judy in her arms, Daryl and Carl close to her. Gabriel and Eugene snug asleep. Noah laying close to Rick. He sighed in relief. He thought this was a dream, it was quite a nightmare.

Nightmares end, they shouldn't end who you are.

OMFGAGJA guys someone pointed out that instead of Noah I put Chris bc everybody hates Chris I fixed it im DyInG INSIDE.

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