48. New Beginnings pt. 2

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Elza's POV

Monika was right there, welcoming me to the office when I got out of the elevator in the fourth floor. The CEO himself, continued to the fifth floor.

"Elza! So punctual, just in time. Welcome," Monika slapped her hands together once as she approached me with a huge smile on her face. She really is quite something. Monika was in her forties, quite short woman with curly dark hair. She almost reminded me of Grace.

"Good morning Monika, thank you. I'm excited to be here and ready to start working," I told her as she stopped in front of me. I had no idea what exactly I'd be doing but I was sure Monika would have no problem telling me.

"That's great to hear. We have your desk and computer ready for you. As you can see we all have our own offices but I always encourage my team yo work in the open space area if possible. People tend to be more creative when working together and throwing around all kinds of ideas. Our department is the luckiest, most of the time we don't have to work with the all kinds of dimensions and rules and all the boring stuff that the architect have to follow. We get the fun part which of being creative," Monika explained with enthusiastically. We walked pass few offices, they all had glass walls, very modern vibe to it but I also spotted few walls covered with blinds.

"I didn't realize I would have my own office," I told my boss feeling very overwhelmed.

"Oh believe me, sometimes it comes in handy. Like Mondays," does she not like Monday's? "You can decorate the office as you wish, we don't have too many rules around here. Only to keep it clean if we have clients visiting."

"Okay, that won't be a problem," I said and followed her. After few more doors we stopped in front of quite decent size looking office room. It was pretty empty, only desk, laptop and two big screens on it and three chairs.

"Here it is," Monika let me walk in first.

"This is great, thank you," I tried to control my emotions but when I saw the office, I felt like crying. After months of sad and anxious tears, these would have been happy tears.

"Are you okay?" Monika asked touching my shoulder gently.

"Oh, yes yes, I am. I just-," oh my god, this was my first day and I was already a mess. "It's just nice to have something that's mine," I said probably not making any sense. Can they still fire me?

"It's just an office Elza, wait till you see rest of this place and meet your new colleagues," my boss said and I facepalmed myself in my head because of how stupid I really must have sounded.

"Yeah, I guess I've been just trying to find my place for the past few years. I think I've finally found it, even if it's just an office," I explained and she gave me a warm smile.

"Well, we're very happy to have you here, you're going to fit right in."

"Thank you," I said and walked over to my desk.

"Someone from the IT department will come and help you out with the passwords and all that technical stuff that I have absolutely no knowledge of and then at 1 pm you have a meeting with out CEO, Mr. Müller," Monika said and I felt my hands starting to sweat when I heard her say 'the CEO'.

"Right, yes of course. Does he always have a meeting with new employees?" I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"He does, it's something his parents already did and I think it's great. When Mathias started few years ago, he had a chat with every single employee here. He wants to know the people who work for this company, it's a huge part of why we are so successful. We really are like a one big family," I nodded while she spoke.

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