9. More Haste, Less Speed

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Elza's POV

"Tell Daniel thank you one more time, for paying the yacht and this room," Kate said and hugged me. We were standing in the suite we had upgraded. Daniel had stayed in the car so I could say goodbye to the girls. Goodbye sounded bit dramatic, it's not like we were never going to see each other again. I'll be seeing them probably next week. Maybe even sooner. Who knows?

"I will have a chat with him about that, I still can't believe he paid for it," I said and hugged Kate back. Ines joined us. Group hug.

"Don't be too hard on him, he's grown man, he knows what he's doing. No one forced him to pay it for us." Ines was right but it still felt wrong. 

"I know. So... I guess I should go now. Are you completely sure this is alright with you? I can still cancel the whole thing and come back home with you guys," I tried. 

"Elza. What you need to do is go downstairs, get into that gorgeous car with that gorgeous man and go back to Monaco. Then you will try to be on your best behavior and let him have his way with you." Kate took a hold of my shoulders and shook me back and forth.

"I am freaking out," I said covering my face with my hands.

"Everything will be just fine. This could be start of something really great and new and exciting, you just need to have a little trust and courage," Ines tried to comfort me. 

"Okay. I can do this, I will do this." One more hug and then I would go. "I love you girls, thank you for this amazing holiday. I will see you soon and when I call, you need to pick up the phone!"


• • •

I walked out of the hotel and saw the blue Aston Martin parked in front of the entrance. I took a deep breath, walked over to the car and got in.

"Hey, everything alright in there? Was the suite okay?" Daniel asked when I sat next to him and put my seat belt on. 

"Everything's alright and the room was great, very spacious and modern. I'm sure they will sleep like a babies tonight, they were pretty tired already. Last night was rough," I looked at Daniel, he took my hand in his and caressed it with his thumb. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. I removed my eyes from him but didn't pull my hand away.

"Yeah... Should we go?"

"Should we visit the mall like we talked about earlier, to get you some work out clothes?"

"I guess we could go if it's on the way back?" I didn't want to make him drive around Nice.

"It is, let's get going," Daniel let go of my hand and started the engine. We pulled away from the hotel and I put my sunglasses on so Daniel couldn't see the panic and fear in my eyes. 

• • •

"I like both of these..." I held two pairs of sport bras in my hands. I couldn't decide which one should I take. 

"Just take them both, you already bought two pairs of training pants, two shirts, two pairs of training shoes... so wouldn't it make sense?" Daniel's head was tilted on the left side and he was trying very hard to participate. 

"Hmm, okay. Why not, you can never have too many of these."

"You really are not going to let me pay anything?" Daniel walked behind me to the cash desk. 

"Excuse me, you have already spent almost ten thousand euros on me and my friends today so if I was you, I would shut up right now. Though we are going to have talk about that when we get back to Monaco." This was the first time I mentioned about the whole payment thing directly to him.

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