45. Forever pt. 4

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3 weeks later - Saturday, 19.6.2021

Elza's POV

"I think this is the last one!" I heard my best friend yell from the bedroom right before her head popped out of the room. "Girl, I never believed I'd hear myself say this but... I think you have more clothes and shoes than I do," Kate's voice was loud as it always was and it made me smile. 

"She's had too much time and money for shopping," Ines' voice echoed from the balcony. I nodded my head and washed the final few plates in the sink. 

"Why aren't you using the dishwasher?" Kate asked and walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a fresh apple from the bowl on the kitchen island and took a big bite. "They even have better apples in Monaco," she mumbled while inspecting the green fruit in her hand. 

"They're good, I bought them from the market the other day. Daniel loves them," I told her ignoring her first question. I earned a dramatic eye-roll from Kate. "What?"

"You shouldn't be buying him anything," she said and took another bite. "Where are they anyways?"

"It's just an apple Kate and they are in France," I said and piled our plates that I had just washed to the cupboard. 

"Alright, the balcony table is all good. Try to eat more carefully next time Kate, the salmon fat was bitch to get away from the table," Ines cut in and patted Kate's shoulder when she sat next to our friend. 

"What next time?" now it was my turn to roll my eyes. As over dramatic as ever, our dear Kate.

"Look girls, it's fine. I'm fine, Daniel is fine, we'll be alright," I told them. 

"How is it fine? You cried for two weeks and Daniel stayed with Max almost the entire time and now you're suddenly fine? I don't think so," Kate threw her hand in the air before they landed back to the counter. 

"Well you know what they say, life is a series of highs and lows and he was staying with Max because I needed some space," I said and came to sit with the girls, offering them some chocolate Daniel had once hid to the bottom drawers, thinking I wouldn't find them.

"Well this is the lowest low for sure," she mumbled. 

"Elza we know you want to be strong but it's okay to feel sad, or mad," Ines said while Kate was busy eating all the chocolate. She was really having a hard time if anyone. 

"I am sad, and I'm sure once we get home I need to cry some more but right now I'm actually having pretty decent day, so let's not ruin it," I stole a bite from Kate's hands and quickly put it in my mouth. 

"If you say so," Ines nodded and I gave her assuring smile. I wasn't lying. I was feeling alright. I had my two best friends with me, and we were ready to start a eight day road trip from Monaco to Munich trough Genoa, Milan and beautiful little town called Bregenz in Austria. Like Kate said, I had cried for two weeks, every single day and at this point, today, I just couldn't do it anymore. 

"I do say so. What I need is you two, lots of wine and good food," I listed. 

"It still sucks," Kate looked and sounded like a depressed teenager but it still made me laugh. 

"Yeah it does," I sighed and hugged her. We all stood up and I checked one more time that kitchen was tidy. Then I made my way to the balcony that I loved so much. I had spent countless hours of doing absolutely nothing there. Just enjoying the view. Listening the sound of the ocean. I stepped outside, walking over to the railing and leaning against it with my elbows. "I'm going to miss this view," I whispered to no one really. The small wind blew my hair and I closed my eyes for a brief second. 

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