34. Wanna Get Married? pt.2

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Elza's POV

This place was spot on choice from Daniel. Quiet and private. In all honesty, I would have been more than happy to spend these days in some primitive cottage in the middle of nowhere if it was with him but this, this was nice too. When I say nice, I mean like over the top nice. 

"I never thought that I'd be able to visit this place. You know, few years ago, me and the girls had our Internet browsers history full of 'Maldives' search words," I let my fingers run across Daniel's bare chest while we laid together, side by side in one of the huge sunbeds on our terrace. 

"I never been here either, but I love it. But do you think it's bit more quiet now because of the pandemic? I think Maldives is pretty popular tourist destination," Daniel ran his hand trough my salty wet hair and I almost sighed because how good it felt. 

"I bet, we're really privileged," I supported my body with my hand and turned my body so I could give him a kiss. Kissing had happened a lot on this trip. So much that my lips were all chapped by now and I really needed some lip balm. 

"Have you noticed you're almost like turning into a blonde?" Daniel continued brushing my hair with his fingers. 

"I have and I really need to go to a hair salon when we get back to Monaco. And I really need to call my trusted hairdresser back at home to apologize for completely bailing on her during the times like this," my hair was mix of dark and blonde highlights and because of the summer and all the sun here, I was really starting to look like a blond. I didn't really care but for some reason Daniel seemed to like me as brunette. "About Monaco, I was thinking maybe staying there for the next race weekend... I mean if that's okay with you?"

"You don't want to come to Portugal?" Daniel seemed surprised raising his eyebrows. 

"Well, I've come to every race so far and I was thinking we could try to see how I manage on my own, I mean alone... And you did kinda buy a new home so I could make it look cozy while you're away," I had come to realize that I can't travel with Daniel to every single race for the rest of of my life. I needed to be able to stay home and do other things. Whatever those things may be. I loved going to the races with Daniel but it was his job and his world. Not mine. Partly not mine at least. 

"Of course, if that's what you want. Though are you sure that's the only reason or is there something else? You know I'm leaving on Wednesday so you have like five days on your own?" 

"Are you trying to hint that I can't manage on my own for five days. You do know I lived alone back at home?" I rolled my eyes and slapped him on his arm, not too forcefully but hard enough to make him let out loud 'ouch'.

"Trust me, I'm way too aware of how capable you are doing things on your own," oh right. No need to remind me how most of our arguments started in the beginning of our relationship. 

"Exactly, so the plan is, I stay in Monaco and you go to Portugal," I laid back down and curled up under his arm. 

"Let's make a deal, you can do whatever you want to on the inside of the apartment but I get to decide what we buy to the balcony? I want to get some new exercise equipment so they take some space," Daniel said. He'd been talking about hoping he could one day have enough space to build some kind of home gym so this made sense. And the balcony in the new apartment was huge. 

"Daniel it's your home, of course you can decide what you want to buy there," I loved how much he wanted to make it feel like it's my home too. And of course, I was going to live there so I would assume I'd call it a home also. But still, he paid probably way too many millions of it, so it was his property and I wasn't going to boss him around when it came down to such things as decoration. 

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