16. Simple Good Times

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"Let's move it ladies!" Michael clapped his hands together and cheered for the three women trying to make it trough alive from the work out the trainer had planned for them. One final push and they were done.

"Michael... Your position in my 'favorite Aussie' -list is dropping, dramatically, every second," Kate was completely convinced she was not going to make it back alive to the top floor of the building after this work out.

"Stop complaining and keep going." Three rounds and thirty repeats of different kind of exercise felt like the end for Ines, Kate and Elza. 

"I hate gym," Elza exclaimed while trying her best to hold the plank position. 

"You're doing great!" Daniel cheered from the side of the room. He had already finished his training session for the day and was now focused on cheering for the girls.

"Shut up!" Elza and Kate yelled in unison. Daniel was having fun, for once Michael had other people to boss around and the girls were actually doing a really great job.

"And you're done in five, four, three, two, one. Good job!" Elza landed on her stomach as well as her friends. 

"Have a great stay in London guys, I'm not getting up from this floor," Ines couldn't remember the last time she had sweated this much. What a torture. 

"Elza you can run like a marathon... Shouldn't this be easy for you?" Kate looked at her friend who was now lying on her back next to her friends.

"Do these hands look like they have any muscle in them?" her hands felt like spaghetti. Daniel walked over to the girls and pulled Elza up from the floor.

"Your arms are perfetto." Everytime Daniel said something in Italian, Elza also felt like her legs were going all spaghetti. 

"Get a room," Kate felt so happy for her friend. Last night had been great. Even though the girls were tired from the travelling, they all ended up staying awake almost until midnight. Talking about everything that they could just come up with, sharing some embarrassing stories and even some sad stories. To everyone's surprise, Elza had opened up about her desire to one day do something else than marketing. Daniel was surprised when Ines had told that Elza was actually very talented at painting and drawing. 

"As soon as we get back upstairs," Daniel gave Kate a friendly finger that made everyone laugh. 

"Why didn't Blake come with us?" Blake was the only one who had stayed at apartment. 

"He hurt his arm a little bit yesterday morning when we were here... It's better if he just rests for few days," Michael joined the other after gathering all the equipment they had used with Daniel on his training. 

"Poor him... This work out was so much fun," Ines glared at Michael who only smirked back to the girls. 

"I think we're done, let's go. Our superstar here needs some lunch after this," Michael patted Daniel on his head only to be attacked by his fellow Aussie. The two guys landed on the mat and started to wrestle around like two kids. 

"I'm enjoying this," Kate sighed and took a sip of her water bottle. 

"Someone bring out the popcorn," Elza laughed with her friends. 

• • •

"I'm so sweaty, I need a shower right now," Elza sat down to the bed and took off her training shoes. 

"You did really well down there you know," Daniel never assumed or expected that his girlfriend should be all in going to the gym or running or whatever with him but he was very happy Elza, who wasn't his girlfriend at least not yet, was willing to try out different sports. It was somewhat quality time for them. Or it could be in future. His life was hectic so any time spent together was a big plus. 

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