27. Time To Go Home

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Elza's POV

Finally. FINALLY. I'm going home. We are going home. It was now the beginning of June. The FIA had announced that the season would finally start on the first weekend of July in Austria. As soon as Daniel got the information we started to make arrangements to get back to Monaco the safest way possible. I was totally losing my private jet virginity. 

"Daniel I swear to god if you don't get that suitcase packed within the next 15 minutes I'm doing it for you and there will be no guarantees that you'll have everything you need with you," I yelled probably for the third time in an hour to Daniel who was... doing nothing. Well he was being totally useless if you asked me. 

"We still have like eight hours, calm down."

"I can't clean the house when your stuff is all over the place. Look, just pack your bags and then you're free when your family gets here," I sighed and pulled out Daniel's hoodies from the closet. The honeymoon was officially over. 

"And like I said, my mom can do the cleaning after we're gone." Try not to lose it Elza, I kept telling myself. I hated packing more than anything. It didn't matter if I had one suitcase or three, I hated it. 

"Hell no, I'm not letting her do it." I rolled my eyes and started to tidy our bedroom. Daniel's parents were coming over to say goodbye in few hours and I wanted the house to be clean and decent when they got here. I saw Daniel's head peaking out of the bathroom door. He gave me a funny look.

"What?" I asked waiting for his next, probably very clever comment. 

"Nothing, just can you believe it? We are going back to Europe, feels unreal," he said walking over to me and pulling me into tight embrace. 

"I don't care if I have to wear ten masks at the same time I'm just happy to go back. I really want too see mom and dad. And the girls," I mumbled against his bare chest. "Uh, you smell really good," I added. He smelled like coconut. I definitely need to pack the shower gel he's using  so I can bring it back to Europe with us. 

"I know, we still gotta figure that one out, I mean you meeting your parents. If you want to come to Austria with me you need to be careful, we need to get your parents tested if you want to see them."

"Do you think they could come and see the first race? Or the second one?" I asked hopefully. I knew they probably couldn't. All the information we had gotten was mostly just safety induction how to stay uninfected. The most important rule was to stay in your own bubble. No outsiders allowed. So I guess my bubble was Daniel, Michael and Blake. 

"I don't know, maybe it's possible if they get tested as often as us. I'll ask from someone," Daniel said and kissed my head softly. 

"Thanks, I really want them to come with us," I pulled back a little bit to see Daniel's face. He was smiling but I could also see some glimpses of concern in his eyes. I kissed his lips gently. He had been my rock ever since we met each other. Now that we were going back to Europe and the season was about to start, I was determined to step up my game. I felt like it was now my turn to be there for him and to support him.

"And I really want to meet them. By the way, after mom finally got to meet you, she hasn't been able to stop talking about you," Daniel's parents had visited us once, a week after Daniel had signed the deal with McLaren. I had been so nervous for their entire visit that I couldn't really remember those four days they stayed with us. After the visit, Grace, Daniel's mom had texted me few times, telling me how much she enjoyed spending time with us. Also she mentioned how happy she was that her son had found someone like me, whatever that meant, so I guess the whole family visit wasn't that bad after all. 

It's Called Leap of Faith - [Daniel Ricciardo]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя