47. New Beginnings pt. 1

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Wednesday, 1.9.2021 

Elza's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. That was a smallish lie. I wasn't even sleeping in the first place so technically the annoying sound didn't wake me up. I pushed myself out of the comfortable bed and walked straight to the bathroom. Today was the day. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. My reflection in the mirror wasn't as bad as I thought it would be after not sleeping even for a minute. I pulled out my make up bag and small mirror and carried them to the living room. I never did my make up in the bathroom, I hated the lightning and I still got some things I had to get used to now that I wasn't living in the spacious Monaco apartment anymore. However my new apartment, my new home, was a cozy one. I actually loved it more than I first thought I would. Ines' colleague had found me the place and I took it immediately. The biggest pro was that Ines and myself were almost neighbors now. Living with my parents for almost four weeks after I had returned to Munich had been emotional roller coaster to say the least. While my father had been mostly himself, acting normal, not pushing me, not asking too many questions, my mom on the other hand, had been a mess. Sometimes I wondered if she missed the certain Aussie more than I did. No, not really, that would never ever be possible. I dropped the powder to the table when I heard my phone ringing. Running back to the bedroom, I picked up the phone and smiled when I saw the name on the screen. 

"Good morning Sir Lewis," I greeted my friend and walked back to the living room. 

"Good morning miss Elza."

"Why are you awake this early?" I asked curiously. It was only 7:15 .

"Because Roscoe woke me up and I wanted to be the first one to wish you good luck on your first day."

"What's wrong with Roscoe?" I laughed. Roscoe loved sleeping. More than anything. Everybody knew that.

"Tell me about it," Lewis muttered sounding still slightly sleepy.

"I can't believe you remembered something like this but thank you, I appreciate it," I told him, putting the phone on a speaker and continued doing my make up. 

"Are you nervous?"  

"Well not yet, the superior of our team, her name is Monika, she was so nice during the interviews so I'm not too nervous about that and I'm sure I get along just fine with my colleagues but I am meeting the managing director of the company today. That's what I'm nervous about," I explained to the Brit. 

"Why? I mean everyone loves you, you've got nothing to worry about."

"Because it's a family business and I heard that he's just very, I don't know, strict about everything," I told him. I hadn't heard anything. I had read an article about the man. His name was Mathias, he had stepped in after his father and mother both retired. 

"He, hah?"

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Elza," Lewis ignored my question.

"Lewis, don't even go there, he could be fifty for all I know," only he couldn't. The article said he was 35 years old. But let's not mention that to Lewis because the man had basically asked me on our every single phone call if I'm considering starting dating again. I mean not dating dating, but seeing people. Men. 

"Sure sure," Lewis didn't sound too convinced. 

"So where are you?" I changed the subject while applying some mascara

"Still in Monaco but leaving to Maxlandia later today."

"Holland. That should be fun," I said. I mean being in the middle of crazy Dutch people, what could be better than that. 

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