40. Right Now & Back Then pt. 2

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Elza's POV


"Stop staring at me," I growled and grabbed the closest big pillow I could find within hand reach without having to open my eyes. "Everything hurts," I whined and threw one of our soft bed pillows to cover my face. If I wasn't as curious cat as I was, I wouldn't have cared less that I got no answer to my morning grunt. But because I am, I pulled the corner of the pillow out of my face to see my surroundings with my right eye. 

"Good morning Mrs. Ricciardo," ah, there he was. Like I knew he would be. I could always feel Daniel's present even if he wasn't right there beside me. But now he was.

"One-day-to be Mrs. Ricciardo," I corrected him and hided behind the pillow once again. Then a sudden thought popped up in my head and as quickly as I had covered my face I threw the pillow away. "How do you know I will change my last name?" I asked looking at Daniel's face. He looked amused. I think he enjoyed my morning grumpiness. I mean I was a morning person if I had gotten a decent sleep during the night. Last night, I didn't. So let me be grumpy.

"Of course you will change your last name," of course I will. Daniel moved his body closer to mine and laid his hand on top of my bare stomach. 

"I kinda like Weber, it suits me," I said stretching my arms above my head. And it hurt. "Ouch, I'm hurting." I think he ruined me last night.

"You're fine. And I like Elza Sophie Marie Ricciardo better," I tried to hide my smile while Daniel said my name so smoothly like he had said it million times before. I brought my left hand above my face to take a look at the beautiful jaw-dropping diamond ring on my finger. The diamond was a freaking giant. I felt Daniel move his leg under our covers and pull me right next to his body. I turned my head and pressed my lips to his jaw. "I love you so much," he muttered and tugged my hair backwards so his lips could find mine. Our lips met in slow, almost careful kiss. Very opposite what it had been last night after Daniel had carried me to the bedroom. My gorgeous New Year's Eve gown was lying somewhere on the floor, probably torn apart because Daniel hadn't felt like finding the zipper of the dress. I whimpered when I felt Daniel bit my lips gently. My entire body was sore but I managed to push myself up a little bit so I could climb on top of my handsome fiancé. 

"I don't know if I can go another round," I whispered between our kisses. Daniel's hand touched my head and dragged me down to deepen the kiss but then he pulled away. 

"It's alright, we don't have to," Daniel said before placing small kisses to my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.  

"I should call my parents, oh shit! And Ines and Kate. They are going to freak out," Kate is going to freak out. And mom. Ines and dad can most likely handle this like adults. 

"Karl and Marie know already," Daniel said quietly while caressing my hair. I lifted my head and laid my chin on his chest so I could see his face. 

"They know? How?" 

"You didn't think I'd ask you to marry me without their permission?" 

"You asked from my parents?" I asked, feeling slightly surprised. But only in a good way. 

"Of course I did. Your parents mean the world to you and they did come all the way from Germany to California to spend the Christmas with us because they love you. Of course I had to ask them first," Daniel continued soothing my hair and I let my head rest back to his chest. 

"That's very nice of you," I sighed when Daniel's hand kept moving down my neck and to my lower back. 

"You sound surprised," he said hugging me tightly. 

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