15. London Calling

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"Are you excited?" Ines asked her friend who had been very quiet all the way to the airport. It was Wednesday afternoon and the three best friends were sitting in a taxi on their way to the Munich International Airport. It was time to head to London.

"I guess... No, of course I am. I'm just worried, as always nowadays. What if someone sees us, it can ruin everything?" Elza had thought about her father's suggestion the entire week. One minute she was confident she would do it and the next minute her feelings were completely opposite. 

"London is a big city, there's a six of us so even if someone spotted Daniel it doesn't directly mean anything. Also didn't Daniel say we have an apartment or something where we are staying?" Kate had been trying to support her friend the best she possibly could but sometimes Elza's prudence was very tiring for someone like Kate who usually did and spoke before she thought.

"Yes, they rented this penthouse so we can all stay in one place. I kinda like it, I can just hide there if needed," Elza couldn't wait to see Daniel. They had been calling few times and texting but it didn't feel the same. At one point during the previous weekend Elza had already worried if the chemistry between two of them was gone. 

"I hope the penthouse has thick walls," Kate gave a knowing look to Ines and the duo burst out laughing.

"Shut up Kate... And just out of curiosity, Michael, Blake? They are both very fine looking guys," Elza was kinda hoping her friends would find something else to put on their focus other than her and Daniel.

"Can't deny that but let's just focus on you and the Danny boy first. It's enough to deal with for now." 

• • •

The three women landed in London 7 pm local time, it was already getting dark. Getting into a free cab, Elza handed a piece of paper with the address to the apartment they were heading to the driver. The ride to the city took almost an hour. When they finally reached the final destination it was completely dark. 

"Let's get in, do you have the code? I didn't even realize I'm this tired," Ines had fallen asleep almost immediately after sitting in the taxi. Kate was also feeling tired, Elza however wasn't. She was starting to feel nervous once again. 

"I got the code, I'll read it, you push the buttons. Eight six eight nine four B," Elza read the code Daniel had sent to her earlier and Ines pressed the small buttons on the automatic door lock system. They heard a small click and Ines opened the door. The building was fancy, yet little bit urban with very high ceiling. Elza was too tensed up to take a better look at the hallway so they just headed to the elevator.

"Top floor," Elza pushed the button number nine and the elevator started moving. 

"Calm down Elza, everything will be fine," Kate wrapped her free hand around the brunette's shoulders. The elevator made a sound and the doors opened. The girls stepped out of the tiny space and looked around. There was only one door they could see. 

"That must be it," Ines walked to the door and rang the doorbell. Soon they heard laughing from the other side of the door. That's Daniel, Elza thought. The door opened and the women were met with very smiley Australian.

"Hey ladies! Come on in, we've been waiting for you. Hi Ines, hi Kate," Daniel moved out of the way and hugged Elza's friends quickly.

"Hello our favorite Aussie, good to see you again!" Kate greeted the handsome Australian. 

"Hey! I thought I was your favorite Aussie," Michael came to the corridor and embraced Kate.

"It's a tie between the three of you at the moment," Kate winked at Michael and also at Blake who had appeared behind his friend. 

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