4. Good Night - Good Morning

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Elza's POV

"Elza, I swear to god if you don't get over that shyness of yours I'm going to kill you!" Kate looked at me as we sat down to the so called living room inside the boat. 

"What are you talking about? I wasn't shy. I was just, trying to stay appropriate," I exclaimed and took a sip of my wine. Wine is exactly what I needed right now. 

"Appropriate my ass. Did you see how Daniel was looking at you?" No. Maybe. Yes. 

"He wasn't looking at me Kate."

"Yes he was, you completely shut him out. I just don't get you, you are so gorgeous and sweet and everything. Any men would be lucky to have you," Ines also joined our conversation. 

"It's not about that, my world doesn't revolve around men. And let me be clear, it doesn't  especially revolve around any Formula 1 drivers," I said, biting my lower lip. "But I won't deny the fact that he is very attractive. He looks better in live than in TV." Attractive was understatement but that was all the girls were going to get this time.

"Knew it!" Kate yelled and winked at me. I did see and feel Daniel looking at me every now and then when we were sitting next to each other but there was no way in million years that I would do anything about it. 

"I'm starving, let's go and ask for something to eat!" End of conversation.

Few glasses of wine and a dinner later we were all dead tired. Maybe it was the boat or the bed or something else but that night I didn't really sleep well.


Ugh. What time is it? I opened my eyes trying to see the small clock on the wall but it was too dark. I don't think I had slept more than two hours. I grabbed my phone from the  small night stand, 07:12. Amazing. Well Ines and Kate will sleep another three hours at least, I'm sure of it. I got out of the bed, dressing into my bikini and a white beach dress. I might as well take the morning swim in the ocean now that Ines mentioned earlier. But I needed coffee first.

I tried to sneak around the yacht quietly so I would't wake up the girls. The kitchen was thankfully on the other end of the boat than the bedrooms. 

"Good morning miss, would you like some breakfast?" our chef, Andrew, greeted me as I walked to the small kitchen area. 

"Good morning Andrew. I'll just have a coffee for now," I answered and took a big  coffee mug from the cupboard. Andrew poured me coffee and I thanked him. 

It was still bit dark when I walked up to the deck but the weather was already warm. I loved this. It was so quiet. You couldn't even hear noises from the city. I sat down to the couch and turned my head to look at the other yacht next to ours. I still couldn't believe what had happened yesterday. Daniel Ricciardo. He was really handsome. They all were, Michael, Blake and Daniel. I had seen Daniel many times on TV. My dad and mom had always watched the races and my dad was huge fan of Sebastian Vettel. I liked the sport. I wasn't a fan but watching the races was not a problem for me. I blinked my eyes few times when I suddenly spotted someone walking to the deck on the guys' yacht. I turned around more so I could see who the person was. Then he looked at me.

"Hi," I whispered and gave Daniel a small wave. Well he didn't hear me that's for sure. But I saw him waving back at me. Then he did something that I wasn't expecting. He walked over to the small ladder that lead down to the ocean. What is he doing? I got up quickly from the couch and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to keep my voice down when I stepped to the bottom deck. I didn't want to wake anyone up.

"Good morning Elza," Daniel had swam closer to our boat. "Care to join me?"

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