Cookies ~ Minishaw

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Shaking his head, Harry turned back to the ingredients, dragging the scales forward so that they were closer to him.

"Right, we need 225g of flour, do you think you can do that?"

"Of course I can! All you have to do is pour the thing on the thing. You'd think I was incompetent."

Harry pursed his lips as he turned to grab the whisk (the electric one, for some reason) and a few spoons.

He set them down, pre-heating the oven as he passed on his way to grab two trays.

He placed them on the side too, a little away from where Simon was measuring the ingredients. Unconsciously, he started humming to himself as he fetched some baking paper. He cut two sheets of it - one for each tray - before putting it back and returning to Simon.

"Okay, flour: done." Simon said, putting the bag of flour aside and staring at the scales. That dish looked a bit too full. On a whim, Simon attempted to pour some back into the bag, spilling some onto both the side and the floor.

Harry breathed in a deep breath, preparing for a long night, longer than he'd first expected when he climbed into bed several hours ago.

"There we go!"

Harry had to hold back a wince as he watched barely 105g of flour flop down into the bowl. Ooh, 106. How lucky were they that Simon slapped the back of the dish in order to get the rest of the flour? That would have all gone to waste if he hadn't.

Staring at the amount of flour in the bowl, Harry stayed silent for a minute as he tried to adjust the recipe to the amount of flour Simon had just put in.

"Sugar next, we need 60g."

"On it."

Simon grabbed the sugar, this time successfully measuring out the right amount.

Harry grinned happily, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek as he watched him tip the sugar into the bowl.

(See, Harry had his own particular way to most things, and baking was one of them. Really, if this was Simon's first time making cookies then he should probably teach him a more common method, but this one was ingrained in Harry's mind too heavily.)

"Eggs! Just the one, that's it."

Harry barely held in a whimper as he watched Simon crack the egg, watching the tiny bit of shell drop in with the rest of it.

"Salt now." Harry held up a teaspoon. "Only a quarter of this." He twisted the spoon once.

Simon nodded wordlessly, grabbing the spoon off of Harry and carefully waiting for the salt to fill up a quarter of it.

When it had, he put the salt shaker down and flicked the salt on the spoon into the bowl.

Since Harry had already put in a capful of vanilla extract, he handed Simon the butter and took the teaspoon off him.

"Can you measure... 30g of butter, please, Simon?"


Simon did manage to measure 30g of butter, but he didn't manage to get 30g of butter into the bowl. (Something Harry wasn't aware of yet, and something Simon didn't feel he needed to be aware of.)

After Harry had added half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, he picked up the packet of chocolate chips. He opened it, picking two out and popping them in his mouth before handing the pack to Simon

And he wondered why Simon hid them from him.

"Add all of that."

"Yes, boss."

As they fell into the bowl, Harry reached out and grabbed another one quickly, smiling innocently up at Simon as he glared at him.

Luckily, the next thing was something Simon could do easily. With the plug in the socket, Simon turned the whisk on, mixing the ingredients and deciding not to question Harry's method as he watched the chocolate tumble round.

Together, they set the mixture out onto one tray. Simon scooped it up with one spoon, Harry scraping it off with the back of the other.

Harry picked up the tray, smiling as he felt Simon's lips press againt his own briefly. He took the tray over to the oven, to finally get them going, when he stepped on something gross, lifting up his foot and peering down at his sock. On it, was a chunk of butter. Too focused on the butter, Harry didn't notice the baking paper slipping.

Simon turned around from placing the dirty equipment in the sink, watching in slow motion as the baking paper - with the cookie dough on it - slapped onto the floor.

Harry slammed the tray down onto the side, stepping back and pulling his sock off. He threw that to the floor before lying down on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm done."

Simon sighed, looking from the ingredients still on the side, to the equipment in the sink, over to the absolute mess that was the floor.

"Get up. We're popping to the shops."

On his way out of the kitchen, Simon turned the oven off.

Harry went to stand up, but then his eyes found the little clock on the oven and he flopped straight back down.

From what he could see, the little red numbers very clearly showed 4:56.

"It's barely even five, the stupid fuck."


"Cookie?" Simon offered, smiling gently at the boys as he held out a plate of cookies. "Me and Harry made them last night."

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