"My bad, hell of a shooter." Kya smiled, turning to face her.

"Why don't you try?"

"Dont need to, I trust you can carry enough guns to cover the both of us."

"Thats a lot of pressure."

"I've seen how you operate under pressure, you can handle it."

Kya remembered distinctly how turned on she had been in that in moment. If the Captain wasn't so hard to read she would've been able to tell if she felt it to.

"Hey!" Kya turned around, seeing Ping running up to her.

"You want a shoot off?" He asked. Kya looked him up and down.

"Whats in it for me?"

"My days fruit, for you."

"What about you?" She asked.

"A night, with you." She widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Excuse me? We were just docked couldn't you have found some place to... make port while we were there?"

"Heh, not everyone gotta go roamin' around the palace with the Captain." He explained, "someone had to clean the ship."

She didn't know what came over her. Perhaps it was her newfound love of shooting, or a deeply buried competitive nature, but she agreed.

"Fine, but make it your fruit plus ten Yen."

"Deal." She raised her chin, loading the copper rounds into her flintlocks, locking in the ammo.

She took a breath and aimed. She remembered how she used to recoil at the sound of the fire, but she was used to it now. She had hit both targets, not quite a bullseye, but close enough. If Ping wanted to make it another round he would have to make some pretty tough shots.

"Do your worst," Kya said stepping away from the firing line. Ping sneered, stepping up to the scratch in the floorboard that marked the distance to the target. He took aim, and Kya relaxed he was clearly drunken, his stupor slow and posture weak.

The extra apple was going to taste good. His shots rang out, but as she expected he was no where near her accuracy.

"I'll take my Yen now, and the fruit at dinner." The others laughed while Ping reluctantly gave up his gold. Kya pocketed it with a smile, leaving them to their own games. She wasn't much of a gambler, but she did know to quit when she was ahead.


Lin stared at the compass next to the wheel, and then the one in her hand, sighing when she realized one of them was wrong. She hoped, for her sake, her pocket one was wrong as she had been using the ship's compass to sail south. The sun was high in the sky and she tried to picture what direction it had been shining earlier, but she had been below deck and couldn't remember.

Defeated, she left the wheel, tying it steady upright to maintain course while she recieved another compass. She searched the crews personaly belongings, so long as they weren't looking, but she ended up on the third level, rummaging through the barrels and crates. The last thing she wanted to do was go to Izumi and tell her she made a mistake this early into their next heading.

The crew wouldn't let her forget it. She glanced to left, pausing. Something was off. She worked her way to the back of the ship, pushing past the inventory mess until she got to brig, only to find that it was empty.

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