Ilbilge gave a look at Ertugrul and Halime, she had an inner smile looking at them in pain like that and after that she turned towards Turgut.

Please come outside!

Turgut followed Ilbilge outside the tent and she handed him a bottle with a brown liquid.

Turgut Bey! This is the antidote. We found it!

How?? Turgut asked rapidly with eyes wide open.

These questions can be answered later, we gave this to Beybolat brother and he regained his conscious. Please give it to Ertugrul Bey and Halime Sultan.

Turgut without even thinking for a second ran inside the tent and handed the bottle to Savçi.

This is the antidote!! Hurry up give this to Ertugrul bey and Halime Hatun.

Savçi poured it in one spoon and supported Ertugrul to sit. Ertugrul was aware about his surroundings.

Give... first give to... Halime... I'm fin... fine..

Savçi passed the bottle to Hafsa and she gave Halime a spoon of the antidote.

Drink this Halime Hatun! You will be fine. Ya shafi! Ya shafi!

They both will be fine now!! InshAllah!!

InshAllah!! Everyone repeated.

Evdokye looked at Ilbilge from corner eyes and then at Turgut. Turgut gave a look of confusion to Evdokye.

After making sure that they both have drank the antidote, Turgut turned towards Ilbilge and his eyes wanted the answer of how she got the antidote. So without even dragging the situation Ilbilge spoke.

We caught the Mongol who stole the book from Soğut library, he opened his mouth too, he works for Albasti!!

Albasti??? Turgut repeated.

Mergen raised his eyebrows and got lost in thoughts. He for sure heard about Albasti before.

Yes! Albasti! We never saw Albasti, just heard about him. He is right hand of Alincak and Aribuka, I don't know anything else.

Okay! Did you got to know about how Beybolat Bey's sherbet got poisoned?

The one who gave the poison entered brother's tent the same way he entered Ertugrul Bey and Halime Sultan's tent. From the back side!

Wait!! How she got to know that the one who gave the poison to bey and Halime Hatun entered that way? Turgut thought.

And where is that Mongol? Turgut asked raising his eyebrows and building more doubt in himself.

We killed him!! He was of no use!!

How can you kill him?? Turgut asked angrily taking a step forward whereas Ilbilge tightens her grip on her dagger.

We caught him, he told us whatever he could and we killed him. My job was to just inform you and give you antidote to save the lives of our Uç bey and his Hatun. Instead of questioning me, you should have thanked me. Anyways, we caught that Mongol on our own, we had every right to do everything we want. You cannot question about our steps because we aren't your slaves, kee this in yout mind. I should leave now!

After giving a rude answer Ilbilge left and everyone in the room didn't felt good about it.

Evdokye stood beside Turgut.

Can we trust her? Her attitude clearly tells that she is hiding something and we covered the area of the tent from where that person entered and gave poison so how she got to know about it. She isn't trustworthy and the way she panicked on that Mongol matter totally tells that.

Ertugrul Halime Season 5Where stories live. Discover now