⁽ ²⁵ ⁾ "𝖨𝗅𝗅𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝖧𝖾𝗋𝗈"

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"Nah, there would be no end to it." Akaashi replied.

"When they act like idiots, it makes you wonder how they're so good at volleyball." Hideaki spoke up making Tsukishima and Akaashi nod in agreement.

"Say, Four-Eyes." Bokuto announced, smiling at the tall blonde.

"It's Tsukishima." He corrected.

"Say, Tsukishima! Is volleyball fun?" Bokuto asked as Tsukishima widened his eyes before making a thinking face.

"No, not really..." He replied. Hideaki wasn't really surprised by his answer.

"Maybe that's because you suck at it?"

Tsukishima stiffened at Bokuto's words, obviously irked by it as Hideaki held back his laughs.

"I'm a third-year, and I've gone to nationals. I'm better than you. Way better than you!" Bokuto said as he gave a peace sign.

"You don't have to tell me that."

"But I've only recently started thinking that volleyball is fun."

This took both Hideaki and Tsukishima by surprise as they both made a sound of shock.

"Ever since my straight become unstable in matches. I've always been good at landing cross-court shots, but the blockers started blocking those. I got frustrated and practice the hell out of straights. And... in the next tournament, I didn't let the same blockers touch the ball at all. I shot through them. Just that one shot made me feel like my time had finally come." Bokuto ranted as he laughed.

Hideaki jumped back a little when Bokuto then turned to stare at Tsukishima, who also had jumped back at his sudden stare.

"It's all about whether or not you have a moment like that. What happens in the future, if you can win the next game... stuff like that doesn't matter for now. Crushing the guy in front of you, and the exhilaration of playing at 120% of your skills, is everything." Bokuto added as Hideaki and Tsukishima stared in shock.

"Well, in the end, that's my story, and it might not fit anyone and everyone. I don't really understand why you say it's "just a club", but I don't think you're wrong. But once that moment arrives for you, that's the moment you'll be hooked on volleyball." Bokuto announced as he lifted his finger and pointed at Tsukishima.

Hideaki noticed Tsukishima widen his eyes at his words. While Hideaki stared at Bokuto with an amazed look.

Tsukishima didn't seem to see Kuroo and Bokuto walk over to stand on both sides of him, until Bokuto clapped his hands.

"Okay!" He exclaimed which made Tsukishima jump in shock and turn to Bokuto. "I answered your question, so jump a few blocks for me." Bokuto smiled as Kuroo smirks. The duo pushed Tsukishima to the net.

"Now, now, hurry, hurry."

"Wait, um..."

Akaashi looks towards the hawk-eyed male. "Will you be practicing with us?" He asked as Hideaki nodded.

"Of course." Hideaki replied as they both headed to the net.

After their practice was done, Hideaki was walking back to get some rest.


Hideaki turned around to see his junior. "What can I do for you, Tsukishima?" He asked.

"You have a younger brother, right?"

"Oh, you mean Shun? Yeah..." Hideaki responded.

"Let's say if you didn't make the volleyball team as a regular, and you're not on the bench either. Would you lie to him saying that you did and would make up scenarios just to make him happy?" Tsukishima questioned.

𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗔 𝗛𝗔𝗪𝗞 ⸺ 𝖮𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝖳𝗈̄𝗋𝗎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang