126. Twoset Firefighters XII / Competitors X Mashup VII

Start from the beginning


"F*ck Brett, you are starting to drive me f*cking crazy, you know that?!?"

Brett looked up at Eddy and slowly broke into a grin.

"Eddy,  you're right. I think that is actually enough."

"...It is?"

Brett smiled.

"Yeah. I trust you with my life and you drive me f*cking crazy, too... we drive each other crazy? And I know I'm crazy about you. I dunno about you but that's more than enough."

"F*ck Brett, in case you haven't noticed, I think I am pretty crazy about you, too."

And so the two Firefighters continued to carry on like a couple of 14 year old girls whenever they were together – which was basically all the time. Whenever people around them asked why, they would, however, just deny it like crazy.

"Mate, why are you guys behaving like a couple of 14 year old girls?"

"WTF I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah WTF who're y'calling 14 year old girls?!"

"OMG it's like I've poked a bees nest.. you two really gotta calm down or go get a room!!"

Instructor Brett stopped his car in front of Eddy's house.

"So, um Eddy, thanks for coming along with me to help me run the masterclass. It was great working with you."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry about when I lost track of time and returned late from my break..."

"Oh, that? Don't worry about it."

"Brett, I know you weren't impressed by the way you punished me like that. I suppose I deserved it.."

Eddy was referring to the fist grab.

"Oh, that was all for show.  Just messin' with ya."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"...it was?"

Brett smirked.

"In my 20 year career as a martial artist, it was the first time ever I pulled a stunt like that."

Eddy couldn't help let out a grin.

"...That's a rather sacrilegious act to do during training..??"

"My excuse was that we weren't in a dojo but in a gymnasium. And I had my fingers crossed behind my back."

Eddy pretended he had recoiled in horror.

"OMG Brett that was so sAcRiLeGiOuS!!!"

Brett grinned.

"Oh yeah? Well, punish me then."

Eddy furrowed his brows in confusion. He held up his palm. Brett punched it and Eddy grabbed his fist.

Eddy grimaced.

"...This is so bullsh*t Brett, as if you'd punch so slow that I could actually grab your fist like this."

"Maybe I wanted you to."

Eddy furrowed his brows in confusion again.

"OMG... Brett, are you feeling okay?"

Brett let out a smile.

"I dunno. I've heard some iNtErEsTiNg things from that Firefighter about us."

Eddy recoiled in horror again and blushed.


Brett kept smiling.

"And I liked what I heard.  So Eddy, care to elaborate?"


A/N: This concludes the Twoset Firefighters & Twoset Competitors Mashup story! What I thought would be a trilogy ended up with 7 chapters! In total, all relevant chapters to this whole story, are;

Twoset Firefighter (1 chapter)
Twoset Zookeeper (4 chapters )
Twoset Firefighters and Zookeeper Mashup (4
chapters )
Twoset Competitors (3
chapters )
Twoset Firefighters and Competitors Mashup (7
chapters )

...this whole story goes on for 19 chapters !!!  I think it might deserve it's own separate book..!  I'll have to look into that.

Anyway, thank you to all you Reader-sans for your support in reading, voting and commenting on this. In particular, dustman22, your initial prompt idea and consult were invaluable, thank you!! 

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have writing it.

Cheers till we meet again in another story !! 20210630

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