Part 32 : Summer 2019 - Theo's final summer 💔

Start from the beginning

"Nyom, nyom! Daddy! Nyom , Nyom!" Daislee squealing voice was the first thing they heard as they entered the flat.

"I think you mean 'Broom, broom' Dais." Harry snorted watching as his daughter rolled her toy cars towards him.

"Nyom, Nyom!"

"She's so cute bless her." Theo smiled softly , both he and Zayn stopping at the door to listen in.

"She's a little sassy bum, is what she is." Zayn laughed. "Come on , let's go inform Haz and get it over with yeah?"

"I-I don't know Z, seeing how upset you are about is making me hate the thought of telling everyone else. I don't want to hurt anyone else by dying Zayn. It's why I tried to hard to push everyone away." Theo pressed.

"Harry wants to support you T, of course it'll upset him but he knew the end of the story when he decided we'd both be here for you."

"What about Daislee Z? She's too little to see me so poorly it's not fair."

"We have weeks until we have to face that, right now you look perfectly normal. Like the Theo she's always known."

Theo nodded hesitantly, he had tried to argue his way out of this situation a lot over the past ten months. Not because he wasn't grateful for Harry and Zayn's support, but because at times it was hard for him to sit and watch their happy family dynamic. Just knowing he wouldn't ever experience it for himself.

"Hey you're back." Harry voiced , smiling at the pair as they walked into the room. "You ok baby?" He asked looking at Zayn in concern.

"M' good, can you come with us a second?"

"Erm ok, Dais? Why don't you go find mooshie?!" The older lad chirped excitedly to the toddler.

"Yay!" Daislee squealed running down the hall towards her bedroom.

"Oh to have her energy." Theo sighed blissfully.

"Oh to have any energy at all mate." Harry joked , joining them both at the table .
"How did it go then?"

The two broken lads looked at each other, neither one of them sure what to say next.

"Well erm, basically the doctor told me that my scans where back." Theo started.

"Oh? And what did they conclude?" Harry frowned in concern.

"T-they erm- they showed that the cancer has now entered my bones."

"Shit T, I'm sorry."

"N-no it's ok, I kind of expected it to spread everywhere in the end. I'm just grateful I can still walk and talk at this point."

"So what does that mean then? More chemo?"

Theo shook his head, lip quivering as he tried his best to hold himself together. "Dr Alam thinks it's best that I stop all treatment as of now."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed.
"B-but that means-"

"Eight weeks." Theo interrupted.
"I have eight weeks , doctor is hopeful I'll reach twelve but erm, I'm not feeling so lucky."

"Eight weeks? How is that fair? Fuck."

Zayn leaned his head onto Harry's shoulder as they all took a moment to let the news sink in. A month  ago they all believed they'd have another four I months to make the most of. To help Theo reach his goals , but now, now it had been cut short. Extremely short.

"I-it'll be ok." Theo soothed , how he was the one who always pulled it together first, Zayn would never understand.

"B-but your bucket list." Harry croaked, clearing his voice as he sniffled. He had to pull himself together, for gods sake a month ago he hated this lad.

"We can still do some things. Least I hope we can." Theo smiled.

"Of course we can, we have the summer... w-we can still go the caravan." Zayn assured.

"I'd like that, kind of where our weird friendship came to be isn't it."

"Then that's where we go."

"My final summer." Theo smiled sadly.
"You best make it count."

"Oh we will, I promise." Harry stated.

Theo's last summer would be hard, there was no denying that. But they couldn't allow the pain of losing him stop them from making the most of the time their friend had. Harry was going to make sure this summer was the best he had, no it's or buts about it...



I'm actually sad that it's coming closer and closer to the end now! But I appreciate the love and support you continue to give even after these stories are complete! I love you all :)))

What do you think Theo's bucket list will include?

Are you sad it's not a lie? I'm gutted :( and I'm the flipping writer!!!

Anyways! Stay safe,
lots of love - Cara x

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