So technically my future mother in-law is asking me whether I like her son or not.

I looked to my mum for an escape, and she gave a look that dared me to say otherwise.

Isn't this the part where your mum put the widest smile of all and say 'yes there is no problem at all is like they were made for each other' , but she was quite too.

So with a forced smile I gave Uzair's mother my answer.

"Yes, you have" but my mum still have that indifferent look at me "thank you" I added

Because mama never failed to remind me that this was a favour  done to me.

She threw me a glare and face hajiya sa'adatu.

"Glad to hear that" hajiya sa'adatu answered.

"So rafi'a what's our progress then?"

As if nothing happened mum was back to her cheerful self and the two friends continue their chit chat.

"Uhm, excuse me I want to use the bathroom"I said.

"Go ahead"

Glad that I came up with that fake excuse, I quickly bolt out.

I breath a sign of relief, the atmosphere was suffocating and I felt it's inappropriate for me to listen on to their conversation.

I aimlessly roam about until I find myself in the gardens.

The fresh air was soothing and I sat on the brick chair close to the roses.

The silence was calm and serene until I heard a rustle.

"who's there"

I walked to the sound's source and I found a cat.

I didn't know hajiya sa'adatu has a cat.

"Oh, hi" a surprised Rabi'a said.

That's when I noticed her coming out of the kitchen back door.

"Rabi'a ya kike" I asked stroking the cat's brown fur, am quite stunned it allowed me.

"I didn't know where it came from but am guessing the neighbours" Rabi'a replied putting down the bowl of milk I just noticed.

"That's more like it, because i knew this house doesn't harbour cats"

I watched as the cat lick from the milk ignoring us all.

"I found it one night as it chatters around, and I thought maybe it's hungry, I offered it milk and it's been coming ever since" she smiled "I name it browny, because of its colour"

I smiled at the name.

"But aren't you scared, it's a stray cat after all because you're not sure where it came from"

But you're the one that touched it first, and you thought Rabi'a was reckless for feeding it.

"Nah, I don't think browny is dangerous" she shrugged.

"If you said so"

The cat purrs and rubs itself around her legs.

She bend down to pick the empty bowl and I watch her neckless dangled from her neck with the initials 'H' in a very cursive style with little gold beads around it, and a golden chain, it looks pretty expensive and for a house, maid, where did she get it.

"I like your neckless"

"Oh" she was stunned because she didn't realize it was out "thank you" she smiled putting it back inside her shirt.

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