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White Fang jumped off the tall structure and gracefully landed. I'm assuming she's a she based on the boobs. Ash took out two daggers and got in an attacking stance. Gad got in a fighting stance and angled his body away from us. Jer and I were shaking while the two supernaturals stared down the assailant.

Ash and Gad rushed White Fang. She was quick, but so were they. White Fang flipped over them and kicked them into the wall. Ash pushed off the wall and swung at her. White Fang dodged his attacks and fought back. Ash took a step back and intently stared at her. He then rushed her and began doing the same strikes she had done to him. White Fang didn't expect that, resulting in Ash cutting her.

White Fang growled and revealed claws. Ash's eyes widened and he flipped away from her. Gad jumped her and slammed her to the ground. He began choking her, but she scratched his face. Gad held his face, giving White Fang the opportunity to kick him off. Gad stumbled up, but fell down again. He pulled his hand back to see his blood.

"Gad, her claws are poisonous!" Ash grunted and dodged her strikes.

"Too late." He struggled to stand up.

Gad allowed a beam of dark energy to leave his hand. White Fang was hit by the blast and held down. Gad ran to her and revealed a dagger. He tried to strike her, but she caught his wrist. White Fang pushed against the hilt and angled the blade towards Gad's neck.

"Run!" Ash commanded and sped to help Gad.

"You heard the man!" Jer yanked me behind him.

Jer and I ran down the alley and followed the twists and turns. We were obstructed by a fence, so Jer squatted down and had me step into his hands. He then gave me a boost so I could climb. Jer and I scaled the fence and continued running.

"Jer!" I pointed in front of us.

Jer pushed me behind him. In front of us were dozens of demons. They evilly smiled and ran towards us. Jer grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. We stopped since White Fang was before us. I looked behind and saw the demons getting closer. What do we do?!

White Fang revealed several daggers. I gulped when she threw them. I squealed, but the daggers sailed by my head. I heard grunts, so I turned to see several demons dead. Jer then dragged me inside a building and had me run up the steps. I heard calm footsteps behind us, frightening me even more.

We arrived on an open floor, so we ran. A door was on the far side, so we targeted that. Suddenly, a strong wind knocked us down. I looked over my shoulder and saw White Fang sauntering towards us. She revealed a bloody blade. I gulped and saw Jer scrambling up. He tried to grab me, but I pulled my arm back.

"What are you doing?! We need to go! She's getting clos-"

"Jer." I gave him a gentle smile. "She won't stop until she has me. Go." He was about to say something, but I cut him off. "I want to save you." I stood. "Leave."

"Never!" He tried to grab me, but I stepped back. "Addy, come on!" He was close to tears. "I can't lose you!" He choked back a sob.

"You won't." I smiled. "I'll always be with you." I then shoved him. "Now, go!"

"Addy, I love you!" My breath hitched. "I love you so much!" He grabbed my face and kissed me. "Don't make me leave." He whispered against my lips.

"I'm sorry." I looked down and stepped back. "I love you..." His eyes lit up. "But not in that way." A tear fell down his cheek. "Now, leave!" I shoved him again. "Bye Jer." I then turned to face White Fang.

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