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"W-What?" Kiki released Gello and took a step back.

My hand immediately tightened around the pendant. I looked at the necklace and shivered. l then glanced up and caught Kiki's eyes. I was mortified over what happened and why the things happened to my parents. Gello said something in a different language.

I then watched Gad appear out of the shadows. He looked at his mom before facing me. He tried to approach me, but I held a hand up. I couldn't believe this. I ran my hands through my hair as I began to have a panic attack. Kiki sped to my side and cupped my face.

"Was any of this real?" I cried.

"Yes." Kiki sighed. "Gello wouldn't lie to me. I'm sorry about-"

"My parents died because of you." I sobbed. "Th- I became an orphan to a family that hates and mistreats me all because of a cruel punishment you enacted on your brother." I sniffled.


"Please." I wiggled myself from her arms. "I need some space."


"No!" Gad stopped. "Was our friendship genuine or were you just going through the motions? This was just a duty you had to complete for your mother."

"It- you're my friend! I like you a lot, sinner!" Gad rushed out.

"But it started out as a mission." He sighed and looked down. "I need to go."

I left my house and walked down the roads. I couldn't be in their presence a second longer. It's drizzling, so I can't walk to Jer's house right now. I saw a small pub and decided to wait out the storm. I'm lucky I made it inside since it started pouring now. At least the weather is an accurate representation of how I feel inside.

I fished around for my phone and groaned. I left my phone at home! As well as my wallet. I rested my head on the table and deeply sighed.

"You look like you could use a drink." I looked up to see a handsome guy sit across from me. "May I get a drink for the beautiful lady?" He winked at me. I didn't swoon the way I would have if it was Kiki who called me that.

"I'm not 21." I politely refused.

"Everyone needs a drink, regardless of age." He laughed. "So what's got you all somber?" He sipped his absinthe.

"I had a fight with my girl- with a friend." I muttered. I can't believe I almost called Kiki my girlfriend. We aren't dating and I'm not- at least I don't think I am. Or am I?

"You look to be deep in thought." He chuckled. "What's going on in your head?"

"Just overthinking everything as usual." I thanked the waitress and took a sip of the cocktail. Yummy! "And now I'm doubting everything I know." I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I found out about my friend's involvement in the most traumatic moment of my life. I mean she didn't directly do it." I sipped the drink. "But she kinda snowballed everything into action." I sipped more of the cocktail. "And now I'm mad at her." I pouted.

"She must've done something really bad if she's got such a gorgeous girl like you frowning." I gave him a small smile. "What'd she do, gorgeous?"



"She- she calls me that." I cleared my throat. "Sorry." I looked down.

"I apologize. Didn't know that'd be a triggering word for you."

"It's not, but... she just... I don't know. I'm trying to clear my head, but it's populated with thoughts of her." I groaned. "I really wish I could get her off my mind."

"That's when you know you're in love?" He arched a brow, causing me to sigh. "Are you smitten with this girl?" I shrugged before nodding. "Almost like you were made for this person, right? Like your other half or soulmate or heart?"

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "So it's confusing when someone means so much to you and then BANG! She reveals something and it's like a shot to your heart." I sighed. "I feel betrayed, but it's hard to feel betrayed by her when she had no clue. Like we both just found out like 15 minutes ago."

"What'd you find out?"

"You sure are nosey." I chuckled while he appeared serious. "Sorry. Didn't mean to-"

"No! Not at all! I have been known to ask too many questions." He laughed, but it sounded forced. "You know... I know a lot of people around town... what's this girl's name?"

"You probably wouldn't know her." I chuckled.

"I insist." He persisted.

I noticed he intently stared at me, like he was trying to force me to deliver Kiki's name. I didn't feel an urge to divulge her name, but I played along.

"Oh, well her name is... Beth." I watched the Queen's Gambit recently, so that name is stuck in my head. He looked disappointed at the name. "Do you know her?"

"I guess that's the one person I don't know." He smiled.

"So do you live here or-"

"I came to visit my sister." He smirked. "But she refused to meet up with me since she claimed to be busy... so here I am... patiently waiting for her to meet me." He sat back and sighed. "I think she's in a relationship, but doesn't want to introduce her family, which is a shame. We can't wait to meet her partner."


"My sister is with a woman." I nodded in understanding. "She's bi, but is with a woman at the moment... at least, that's what we've been told." He muttered.


"A... friend told me about it, so I wanted to see if the friend was right."

"Is she right?" I asked while he stared at me.

"I suppose she is." He gave me a knowing smirk.

"But how would you know your friend is correct if you haven't seen your sister or her girlfriend?"

"Because I was told that my sister's girlfriend wouldn't be able to resist all my charms... and I have definitely met her." He sat back and sipped his drink. "I should get going." He placed a hundred on the table. "It was nice speaking to you." He smiled and walked off.

"Wait!" He turned around. "What's your name?" He smiled and walked backwards until his back hit the door.

"Radna." He then walked out.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now