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I gave Blake a hug before he ran into Jer's house. Jer wanted to apologize, but Kiki refused to give him the time of day. I sighed and spoke to him. I accepted his apology, but told him he'd have to apologize to Kiki and Erana. He tried to speak to Kiki, but she flashed her snake eyes, scaring him. Kiki then took my hand and led me away from my friend.

I then yelped when she picked me up bridal style. The devil smirked at Jer before jumping into the air. I clung onto her as we flew towards Germany. I was in awe at how quickly she flew. Kiki smile and flew close to the ocean, so I could run my fingers along the surface. I squealed when she splashed me, so I softly hit her shoulder. She chuckled and flew a little higher.

Kiki slowed down when we got close to land. She then made sure we were obscured by the forest. After a while, she landed on a hill. Kiki lowered me to the ground and allowed me to wander around. I gulped when my eyes focused on a familiar house. I turned to see Kiki giving me encouraging eyes.

I swallowed back my fear and took Kiki's outstretched hand. She gave me a confident smile before leading me down the hill. I can't believe we're going to my childhood house. It was also the location where my life changed forever. My parents died here and I became an orphan in a matter of minutes.

Kiki stopped walking and crouched down. She furrowed her eyebrows as her hand glided over the grass. She sighed and ran a hand through her hand.

"It's been years, yet I can still feel the rage left from Baal." Kiki stood up and met my eyes. "Wherever he goes, he leaves behind an aura of rage... it's still here."

"Has he been here recently?" Kiki averted her eyes at my question. "Kiki?"

"Yes." She breathed out and looked down. "He has been here recently and that concerns me."

"Why do you think he was here?"

"To see if you were still living here or... I don't know." Kiki began to become frustrated. "Anyways, how are you feeling? I know coming back here will stir up old memories."

"To be honest... I'm shaking and terrified and-" My eyes began to water, so Kiki hugged me. "It's so much. I see the house and... my parents are really gone." I whispered. "I know we need to be here, so that we can-"

"We'll leave." She stated. I opened my mouth, but she spoke before me. "It was inconsiderate of me not to take into account that this visit would make you relive your trauma. And for that, I am deeply sorry." I gave her an appreciative smile. "Let's head home."

"Can we stop at a beer hall?" Kiki chuckled at my request. "I saw that Germany is famous for them and-"

"Of course we can... I smell a lot of beer." Kiki looked in a direction. "And a lot of drunken auras." She chuckled. "Care to visit?" I smiled and took her hand.

Kiki and I walked through the grassy hills until we arrived at a local beer hall. The building was cramped with the amount of people shouting and laughing. Kiki was able to secure us a stool top table. She then motioned for the bartender to fetch us two beers. We smiled and thanked the woman when she slammed two pints in front of us.

"Bottoms up." Kiki smirked and clinked our glasses together. "What do you think?" She sipped her drink.

"I don't like it." I made a face and put the glass down. "You can have mine." I pushed it towards her.

"I agree with you. Beer isn't my drink of choice, but it's the drink of your people." She laughed. "Ich brauche eine Wurst, eine Brezel und eine Schweinshaxe." Kiki addressed a waitress.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now