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The memories of what happened in the last 48 hours came flooding back to me. My legs gave out and I fell. Lara sped and caught me in her arms. Kiki was in shock and turned to her dad. Adira took a cautious step towards me and crouched down, so that we were at eye level

"Lucifer, speak with Kikimora. We'll take Addison home." Adira spoke. Lucifer nodded and guided his daughter out the room.

"Where's home for you?" Lara inquired.

"Pe-Pennsylvania." I whispered.

"To the land of brotherly love we go." Lara smirked and created a portal. "Still dizzy?" I nodded.

I yelped when Lara easily picked me up. Lara carried me through the portal and outside my home. She placed me down and I approached the door. I opened and walked in to see Blake on Ash's back as the angel crawled around. Blake had a rope around Ash's neck and was telling him to move faster.

Erana then popped out of the corner and fired nerf guns at them. Blake giggled and shot her. Erana did a dramatic death and fell to the ground. Ash started neighing and happily prancing around.


They all stopped and looked at me. Ash immediately stood, causing Blake to fall off. Ash cleared his throat and tried to look tough. Erana stood up and stared at me with wide eyes. And Blake... that little guy was angry. He threw down his toy gun and marched upstairs. I went to follow him, but Erana blocked my path.

"He's been asking about you everyday. He thought you left him for good." She softly told me. "Just make sure he knows you love him and that it was really important." I nodded, causing her to hug me.

"My Queen." Ash bowed and spoke to Adira.

I left them and ran up the stairs. I found Blake grumpily playing in his room. I slowly closed the door, causing him to glance. He rolled his eyes and went back to playing. I sighed since I deserved it. I slowly sat next to him and observed him.

"C-Can I play with you?"

"You left!" He angrily turned to me. "You said for one day and then... you didn't come back." He teared up. "I-I thought you didn't want me anymore... like my birth mom." Blake started crying, so I wrapped him up in a hug. "I was so scared you didn't love me anymore, mom! I never stopped loving you, so-"

"I'd never stop loving you, buddy." I kissed his head. "I had to meet some people and then things went bad and we got held up. I'm so sorry, Blinky." I tightened my arms around him. "I couldn't call because I had no reception where I was."

"So you weren't running away from me?" Tears were in his eyes.

"No, Blake. I love you too much to leave you. I'm sorry I made you feel that way." He nodded and hugged me tight. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, I love you." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Just don't leave for that long again or if you do tell me! I've been waiting by the door everyday for you to come back." He pouted.

"I'm sorry again... would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" He nodded and jumped into his bed. "It also seems that you got close with Erana and that guy..."

"Ash!" I nodded. "Ya! I love Erana." He had a dreamy look in his eyes. "And Ash is cool too!" He then cuddled into my side. "But I love you more!"


I had just finished reading. Blake was fast asleep, so I slowly removed myself from him. I placed a kiss on his head and pulled up the covers. I turned off the light and was about to close the door, but I heard his tired voice.

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