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I was still down about how I left things with Kiki. Like I had thought, it's been a couple months since I've seen her. I sighed and went back to ringing up the customers. Everyone has noticed the change in me. Miss Brown, Elizabeth, Jer, and Blake are concerned about me. I told them I was fine, but they weren't convinced.

And my living situation has become worse. Ever since Kiki's appearance, Mama has instructed my sisters to keep a close eye on me. If I ever so much as look at a girl longer than necessary, I receive a beating at home. Megan and Stephanie would lie and say I was flirting with women, which led to Mama busting my lip.

I jumped when a customer lightly touched my arm. I apologized for spacing out and rung him up. He said I seemed a little down, so he gave me a larger tip. I smiled and thanked him for his generosity. When he was out of sight, I put the tip in the community jar. It's only fair that every worker experiences that man's generosity.

"Hiya, sinner!" I turned to see Gad smiling at me.

"Hey, Gad." I gave him a small smile.

"You're sad. What's wrong?" He was genuinely concerned.

"A... someone made me think one thing and it didn't pan out. I'm disappointed and I think I may have ruined everything." I sighed and looked down.

"What'd you do?"

"Told her not to come back." I wiped a tear. "I was upset and spoke without thinking. It's been months and she's not coming back." I choked back a sob. "I even apologized over text and tried calling her, but she doesn't pick up."

"Maybe she's not aware that you're hurting."

"Maybe." I whispered. "I wish she didn't have to leave."

"Who is she?"

"You wouldn't know her. She doesn't go to school here." I gave a man his change. "She's not even from around here."

"So she maybe working?"

"She is." I looked at his confused features. "I just thought I had more time with her before she had to leave. I was wrong and I think she loves someone else."

My eyes widened when I accidentally revealed my feelings. I nervously turned to see Gad with a small smile. I was shocked that this wasn't his signature creepy smile. It was an actual smile.

"I'm happy for you. You deserve happiness, Addison."

"So much for happiness... she left and is never coming back."

"Introduce me to her if she comes back. I need to give her the rundown." I quickly shook my head at Gad's laughing figure. "Wanna do something fun, Addy?"

"No haunted houses or scary stories in the woods." I pointed at him.

"I got the perfect place." And there was that wicked grin.


Gad took me to a farmer's orchard. I thought it was fun and started to pick the berries. It was close to dusk, so Gad suggested we go into the corn field maze. I told him it'd be dark soon, but he insisted we go. He smirked and offered to hold my hand if I got scared. I rolled my eyes and walked of him.

I'm pretty sure I was getting us lost since I didn't know how to make it to the middle. Gad silently followed me. He was so quiet that I had to constantly turn around to make sure he was still behind me. Gad hummed the tune to Halloween while we walked further into the maze.

"It's getting dark." Gad pointed up at the night sky. "You better get out soon."

"Or what?" I spoke over my shoulder.

"There can be a lot of scary stuff in a maze." He whispered in my ear, making me elbow him. "Something out here could chase you." He brushed his fingers against my neck.

"Stop, Gad." I stared ahead while trying to lightly slap him. "Gad?" I turned around since I couldn't hit him.

My eyes widened when I didn't see him behind me. I began retracing my steps while calling out for him. Where'd he go? I kept yelling for him, but it was pointless. He purposely ran off, so now I have to find my way out. I groaned and pushed away the corn stalks. Why does his footsteps also have to be so quiet? I can't hear him, so I can't even try to find him.

I kept walking and smiled when I got closer to the center. I clapped my hands and skipped to the center. Granted, it was night, but I eventually made it. I looked around and heard nothing but the owls. I noticed there was a scarecrow in the center. It looked lifelike, so I approached it. I titled my head and leaned closer to observe it. I reached out to touch it when it moved.

I screamed and fell on my butt. The scarecrow began to move and walk towards me. It tried to touch me, but I kicked it. It stumbled and tripped over some hay. I used the opportunity to get to my feet and run away. I looked over my shoulder to see the scarecrow chasing after me. It was gaining on me, so I whizzed around the maze.

The scarecrow was still following me. I turned the corner and ran into a dead end. Omg! I could hear the footsteps, so I hid myself in the cornstalks. I squatted down and held my breath as it approached my hiding spot. I had to cup my hand over my mouth, so I wouldn't release a sound.

I was scared out of my mind. I made sure to study the scarecrow and it wasn't a human in a costume. The way the scarecrow walked, there were no bones in that being. I know it sounds crazy, but there's a literal scarecrow walking. I had to shut my eyes and blink a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I nearly screamed when the scarecrow removed it's pumpkin head. There was nothing!

I took out my phone and began filming the scarecrow. Now that I have actual footage, Gad can't act like these things are figments of my imagination. I pocketed my phone when the monster looked in my direction. I held my breath as it approached me. A cry was heard a distance from me, so the scarecrow ran off in that direction. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, sinner!"


I screamed the loudest I've ever screamed. Gad was on his back loudly laughing. I pushed him and told him to be quiet. He tilted his head, so I told him there was a scarecrow chasing us. Gad snickered and said he paid a guy to chase me. I refrained from telling him that I had video evidence of the scarecrow not being a man. I forced a smile and allowed Gad to lead me out the maze. I constantly looked over my shoulder to make sure we weren't being followed.

I didn't feel safe until Gad and I were riding away from the farm. There were so many things that couldn't be explained. I thought the weirdest thing would be the man who slaughtered my family, but now... are there other forces at play? I know this may sound mad, but I'm starting to believe that supernaturals exist.

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