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^^(Dr. Linda)

I ran through the streets of LA. I didn't know where to go, but I needed to breathe. I stopped and rested against a brick wall. I allowed my back to slip down the wall until I fell to the ground. I rested my head against the wall while my chest rapidly rose and fell.

I could've sworn I saw the shadows move, so I quickly stood and left the alley. I walked down the sidewalk, but I kept witnessing the shadows rearranging into human or animal silhouettes. I quickened my pace as I watched them change form. I wasn't looking where I was going, so I ran into a chest.

"Ahh, Addy! How are you?" Lucifer smiled at me. "And where are you going in such a hurry?" My mouth was dry and I was staring at him like a gaping fish.

"Lucifer, did you find-"

"Look who I ran into, detective!" Lucifer wrapped an arm around me. "It's Mora's girlfriend." I blushed since Kiki and I weren't- "Why were you in such a rush? You look like you've seen the devil." He smirked while Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Chloe touched my arm, causing me to flinch. "Okay, you're not fine." Chloe shoved Lucifer's arm off me and wrapped me in her arms. "How about we take you inside?" I nodded and allowed her to guide me to her home.

Chloe sat me down and ordered Lucifer to make me tea. Lucifer beamed and happily left to make the drink. I sighed and rested my head on Chloe's shoulder. Lucifer shortly returned with tea. I slowly sipped the drink and turned to Chloe.


"Nope!" Lucifer interrupted me. "Let me guess what happened." Chloe rolled her eyes. "My daughter? Yes! Hmm... she angered you." I shook my head. "Told you she doesn't love you?" I looked appalled by his accusation. "Was with another woman?" Chloe looked at him like he was mental. "Sex? She's had sex with you?!" I blushed while Chloe facepalmed. "No? She denied having sex with you! Well, that's rude of her." He commented.

"No, she- well... it's complicated." I sighed. "Radna entered my dreams and-"

"Radna?" He became serious. "How does Radna know about you?"

"Baalam killed my family when I was 4 because he knew I was to be Kiki's heart. And then Radna recently found out who I am to Kiki and terrorized me in my dreams. And Ki..." I trailed off since I didn't want to think about it.

"Well, go on. I want to know what infractions my daughter has done against you." He smiled and beckoned for me to continue.

"She saved me in my dreams." He seemed so disappointed. "But... it wasn't her, but an alternate version of her- Radna told me how devils react to their hearts and... he- Kiki... she- uh... Kiki-"

"I think I understand where this is going." Chloe interrupted and gave me a soft smile. "Does she know?" I shook my head.

"Know what? I feel like I'm the only one out of the loop!" Chloe rolled her eyes at Lucifer's outburst.

"Would you like to talk to a therapist about this?" I nodded at Chloe. "I'll give Linda a call." Chloe turned to Lucifer before standing up.

"Radna also told me about the prophecy." I sighed while Lucifer averted his eyes. "Kiki told me more about it and I'm terrified."

"Prophecies are subjected to interpretation. They're not necessarily set in stone, so the future can always be altered." He locked eyes with me. "Do not fear the unknown."

"She tries to refrain, but I keep kissing her." I hid my face in my hands. "She's trying to protect me, but I keep making it hard for her. I'm essentially killing myself!" I looked up at him. "What do I do, Lucifer?"

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