The Hunt Begins

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Despite the incident at Kamino Ward, things were going as well as you had hoped for you at least. Unfortunately, due to your injuries, you could not participate in work studies for at least a few weeks, meaning that Ace had to find a different employer. You were heartbroken. You felt like you betrayed the kid. Granted, he was understanding, but at the same time, you weren't going in for bed rest at all. You were hunting down four powerful villains who just flattened an entire city in an instant.

You were inside your office, doing some research on Graviton and Wolfrum. Wolfrum would be an easier takedown and with Hawks surveying the entire area, he should be easy to find. Especially since Hawks knows Wolfrum like the back of his hand. Graviton, however, was a much more concerning threat. A former Yakazu boss and a man with intense anger issues and a powerful quirk as is. Gravity manipulation, no matter who uses it or for what, is a dangerous quirk and thus should be controlled to the max effort.

You sighed and leaned back in your chair, sighing to yourself as you felt your arm shake a little. It was your "new" arm so to speak. The metallic one. You sighed and grabbed the arm, holding it still as you tried to calm it down. You sighed against as you gripped your head in some mild frustration. Blood Fist was going to be an issue, Dr. Mekanikku was also going to be a problem. Having cybernetic parts and hunting down a villain were not the best of plans. Still...

You heard a knock at your door and saw Ace was standing on the other side of the entrance.

(Y/N): Ace? I mean, Hello young man.

Ace: Uh, hello, Mr. Dandy Man.

(Y/N): To what do I owe the pleasure?

Ace: Just wanted to see how you were-

(Y/N): Ace. I'm fine. Adjusting takes some time as does everything else. I can manage. So...did you find a new pro hero for work studies?

Ace: Uh, yeah. I'm going with Gang Orca. I know he won't be as lax as you are, but I think it can work out.

(Y/N): Good choice. Orca's a nice guy. Little rough around the edges, but nice. You should learn a lot from him. I wouldn't worry if I was in your shoes. (Ace nods) Anything else you need help on or something like that?

Ace: Just wanted to make sure you were ok.

(Y/N): I'm doing good, Ace.

You smiled at him as he nodded and walked off. You sighed again after he closed the door and left. This was it, taking down the Titans, bit by bit. You were about to contact Hawks until both Midnight and All Might ran into your room.

(Y/N): Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's happening?!

All Might: You need to come with us!

Midnight: We have a lead on the motives and plans of the Titans!

(Y/N): And how exactly do we have this?

Midnight and All Might looked at each other before looking back at you with awkward smiles. You were lead down to the conference room for UA staff and faculty where you saw the source of this "information". The leader of the League of Villains, Tomura Shigaraki. Standing there next to a man in a purple mist. His supposed number 2, Kurogiri.

(Y/N): The League of Villains. Why am I not surprised you are here. Why aren't they in cuffs?

Nezu: That, Dandy Man, is one of the many hard choices we've had to make here today.

(Y/N): Principle Nezu?

Nezu: Yes. We let them go in exchange for information on the Titans.

(Y/N): And that's fair because?!

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now