"Addy, do not think I'm abandoning you-"

"Then why are you leaving?" Tears were pouring out my eyes. "You know what will happen when you leave, yet you refuse to stay." My voice wavered.

"I'm not refusing to stay, I'm just-"

"It's fine." I whispered.

I placed the pancakes down and stood up. I went to walk towards the door, but Kiki clutched my wrist. Her grip was a little tight and she yanked me. I grimaced, causing her eyes to widen and for her to release my hand. She tried to apologize, but I was too busy rubbing my red wrists. I then felt my necklace settle in an odd position, so I readjusted it where it hung over my clothes.

Kiki was about to speak again, but stopped. Her eyes were transfixed on the necklace. I tried calling her name, but she was distracted by the pendant. She then held the pendant and closed her eyes. When she opened them, it was like a new emotion overcame her. She looked like she was devoted and considered me to be above her?

"W-Where did you get this?" Her voice wavered.

"My mom." I gently took it back, causing her to gasp. "I should get going-"

"You have complete and utter dominion over me." Her voice shook

Kiki knelt to the ground and took my hand. I gasped when she kissed my hand and bowed her head. I felt a wave of power rush through my body, which terrified me. I ripped my hand free from her and ran outside. I could feel her still trying to process what just happened.

I ran out the lavish hotel and onto the road. I didn't want to go home just yet because I was terrified of what awaited me. I glanced at the massive hotel and found my eyes trailing upwards. I squinted and could make out a figure of a person staring at me through the window. I realized it must be Kiki, so I quickly ran away.

My natural thought would be to find Jer, but I know that's where Mama would check first. I couldn't implicate Jer or his family. My next course of action was to find Gad. I was hoping he'd allow me to lay low with him for a few days. I'd eventually work up the courage to return home, but I was too scared right now. I need to prepare myself for the cruelty Mama will put me through.

I ran into an alley and slipped under the metal fence. This time, I had cut myself. I winced and sucked on my wound. I held my hand and ran up the hill to where Gad normally hung out. I didn't see him, so I approached the bridge, but he wasn't there. I then remembered how much he loved the satanic cult tunnel, so I ran in that direction.

I stopped running when I reached the entrance. For some reason, I got a bad vibe about the place. I know a cult worships in there, but that wasn't the vibe I was getting. It was almost as if something evil lurked inside. I decided to continue searching for Gad tomorrow since it was already dark. I turned around and walked away from the entrance.

I began to think about where I'd sleep. I'm hoping there isn't a homeless person by the bridge, so I could sleep there. Or maybe I could find a homeless shelter and crash there for tonight. Actually, Miss Brown keeps the keys to the shop- I stopped when I heard growling.

I turned around, but saw nothing. I then heard the growling coming from my right, so I turned in that direction. I still couldn't see anything, even though the growling was intensifying. It felt like I was being circled by an animal. I'm hoping it's not a wolf or anything that can cause serious injury. I quickly began walking, but the sharp growl stopped me in place. My eyes then popped when I saw the beast walking underneath the lamp light.

The animal had a Rottweiler's head with a spider's body. I watched it growl before running at me. I turned and ran away from the monster. I felt the monster getting closer, so I slipped under the fence. The monster stopped and growled at me from the other side. I saw it crawl backwards before darting at me. I moved away to see the monster jump over the 12 foot fence. I shrieked and tried to climb the fence again, but it shot its tongue at me.

The Devil Made Me Do ItWhere stories live. Discover now