Why Cryptane is possible

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Hi friends!

I am going to explain how the Cryptane ship could very much work out, assuming you don't like Cryptage.

Note: I like Cryptage, but Cryptane is better in my opinion.

There are many clues that can lead to the conclusion listed in the title, both in the game and out of the game. I will go through each point.

1. The difference between Mirage and Octane.

In the very beginning of Season 3, it was obvious that a rivalry between Mirage and Crypto began. Why exactly? Elliot had clearly bothered Tae at first, but a lot of it stemmed from the fact that Crypto was easily bothered by people who distract him from his work.  And more importantly, in his eyes, and what is canon, Mirage is an idiot with no confidence. How does Octane differ? He is an idiot with much confidence. Octavio Silva wouldn't doubt himself around Crypto openly. Likely, Crypto finds Mirage's lack of confidence to be unattractive compared to the confidence that Octane has.

2. Sexualities

This is a tricky topic. Neither Mirage, Crypto, nor Octane have confirmed sexualities, but we do know that Mirage is canonically queer, and attracted to women. How is this relevant? It shows the possibility of canon Cryptage, but has us review the sexualities of Crypto and Octane respectively. According to all the Crypto lore, his sexuality is unknown. Personally, I headcanon him is demisexual biromantic, meaning he has a romantic attraction to males and females. In my AU, Octane is pansexual.  Considering these facts, both are possible, but Mirage may be too distracted by women to think about dating Crypto.

On another note, in the Season 5 story quest, Octane was forced to go on a date with a female named Yoko. He showed no interest in the date, but the reason why is unknown. Though one possibility could be that Octane isn't attracted to women, which increases the chances of him liking Crypto.

3. Opposites Attract

This is a very persuasive point in labeling Cryptane as canon. For Crypto and Mirage, they are quite different, but not complete opposites. In fact, they clash in a way.

As for Crypto and Octane, they are complete opposites, but would compliment each other well.

Using this logic, you may think that Wattane is a good ship. If you believe this, I disagree, but respect your opinion. Wattane is a ship where both members are opposites that mix badly, and likely wouldn't get along.

4. The voice actors like it

Yes. They like it. The voice actors for Crypto amd Octane actually liked a certain Cryptane fanart. And to extend it farther, they are friends in real life.

5. Past issues

For many legends, something happened to their parents, such as Loba's parents being killed by Revenant, Wattson's mother dying at a young age followed up by her father when she was a young adult, and more.

In Crypto's case, he never met his parents, but he did have a foster mother, but most likely, he dis not get to see her for very long.

As for Octane, his mother left when he was young, and his father was a business man and a terrorist who didn't pay attention to him, and canonically abused Octavio. I can imagine the Cryptane ship growing as the males comfort each other about their parents.

6. Mutual hatred for Duardo Silva? (My AU)

In my AU, Crypto hates Duardo Silva, because he was the one behind the murder of Tae's sister, Mila Alexander. Octavio already hates his dad for obvious reasons, so they might bond over their mutual hate for Duardo. Again, this isn't canon, just my AU.

7. G a y


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