Lifeline Random Headcanons #1

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- Lifeline works as an official doctor for all the legends.

- The reason she is one of the few people that has seen Bloodhound's face is because they trust her, and she is a great doctor.

- Ajay plays the drums in her free time.

- One of her favorite activities is baking cookies, which she used to do with her parents, but now does with her (S/O).

- Lifeline has a slight sweet tooth, but understands she has to eat healthy.

- She sometimes treats her squadmates like precious children. (DON'T TOUCH THE CHILD!)

- She loves patching up her (S/O) when they get injured.

- Lifeline has a secret stash of Lollipops that she gives to good patients, aka her (S/O).

- Her most frequent patient is Octane. Guess why?

- Lifeline actually has a decent singing voice, and will sing to herself when she is alone, and when around others, hum the song.

- The girl may act tough, but she is great around children.

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