Disorders/Phobias the legends have...

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Hi friends!

What kind of physical and mental disorders, along with phobias, do the legends have in my AU?

- Bloodhound: Acrophobia (Fear of heights, especially near waterfalls)

- Gibraltar: None

- Lifeline: None

- Pathfinder: Isophobia (Fear of being alone)

- Wraith: OCD and Anxiety

- Bangalore: PTSD and COPD

- Caustic: Antisocial personality disorder/Sociopath and Lung Cancer

- Mirage: Thanatophobia (Fear of death, more specifically the death of his loved ones)

- Octane: ADHD, Depression, and Anorexia

- Wattson: Autism (Canon)

- Crypto: Selective Mutism

- Revenant: Schizophrenia (Overall dealt with, but still an issue)

- Loba: PTSD (Thanks Revenant)

- Rampart: Mania

- Horizon: Amnesia

- Fuse: Liver failure and pyromania

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