Every legend's favorite ships!

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Hi friends!

What do the legends ship? Let's find out!

- Bloodhound:
Revfinder, Cryptson, and Lobalore

- Gibraltar:
Miragehound and Revfinder

- Lifeline:
Cryptane, Miraith, and Ramba

- Pathfinder:
Miragehound, Gibraltstic, Wattane, Darksparks, Revfinder (in secret), Cryptane, and Lobalore

- Wraith:
Revfinder. That's it. She obsesses over this ship.

- Bangalore:
Slightly ships Revenant x Caustic.

- Caustic:
Revenant x Death

- Mirage:
Revfinder, Lifetane, Lobalore, Crypto x Floor, and Miragehound (in secret)

- Octane:
Mirage x Decoy

- Wattson:
Revfinder, Miragehound, Miroctane, and Cryptane

- Crypto:
Doesn't have time for ships, but actually likes Loba x Wraith

- Revenant:
Revfinder (in secret, what a simp)

- Loba:
Lobalore, Miragehound, Cryptic, Wattane, Rampart x Lifeline, and Revenant x A knife.

- Rampart:
Kind of likes Miraith, but also Cryptage

- Horizon:
Cryptson and Miragehound

- Fuse:
Fusehound (in secret), Horizon x Caustic

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