Wattson Random Headcanons #1

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- She loves baking popular French desserts for her friends, and especially her (S/O).

- She is an innocent little cinnamon roll, just like Pathfinder.

- Wattson has been known to horde all the Nessie plushies to herself.

- She sees Horizon as a mother figure.

- Wattson would like to get a cat someday, but hasn't found the perfect one.

- Sometimes, Wattson will steal Crypto's coat and take a nap in it.

- Natalie has been questioning her sexuality for a long time, she is nowhere closer to figuring it out...

- She usually gets the least kills out of every legend.

- Ever since Wattson was a child, she dreamed of being an electrical engineer like her father.

- The girl loves writing poems in her freetime. When she feels in a really good mood, she will write her poems in French.

- Natalie speaks complete French whenever she is excited or very happy.

- Wattson loves watch romance movies with her (S/O).

- She has discovered Wraith's cringey fanfictions, but has only read one of them.

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