We need to talk about Revfinder...

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Hi friends!

There are many people that wonder why Revfinder is even a thing. I have a meme that will help you understand:

Yes, it's canon that Revenant has killed Pathfinder before

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Yes, it's canon that Revenant has killed Pathfinder before. That won't go away. And he never apologized.

Yes, I consider the canon facts. I don't ignore them. I also didn't ignore that Pathfinder wanted to be brothers with Revenant.

And another thing, I am aware that Pathfinder had a girlfriend at one point.

And in the Pathfinder Quest Book (Small Spoilers Ahead), Pathfinder even stated that Revenant is narcissistic. Kaleb wasn't exactly the nicest person, and even tried to convince Path that he, an innocent ray of sunshine, was a cold-blooded murderer. This may or may not be true that Pathfinder harmed anyone in the way Revenant described.

Back when the Shadowfall Event first started, the first person to meet Revenant was Pathfinder. And at the time, Revenant didn't care about the MRVN.

With all things considered, why do I ship it?

I'll make this clear: I NEVER forgot about the bad, and quite rare, interactions between the two.

I ship it because of the dynamic. Pathfinder is a sweet, innocent robot. He is friendly, and he only joined the games to find his creator. Although Path is aware that he is killing people, he also knows that they don't die forever, and also, he isn't killing for fun.

Revenant, on the other hand, is a cold, heartless murderer. He has shown no compassion for others, and joined the Apex games simply because he enjoys killing. Kaleb has been like this since he was a human.

When you pair a precious cinnamon roll with a nightmare, you get a relationship dynamic that can go in many different ways.

Pathfinder sees everyone as his friend, and Revenant is no different. Although the simulacrum is a bad person, Pathfinder shows him compassion that no one else has. He cares about Revenant. It's canon. The Pathfinder Quest Book was evidence of this.

And note this, Revenant has not told ANYONE ELSE about his past or how he died. Pathfinder is the only one to know this. Clearly, Revenant has a different relationship with the MRVN, considering he trusted Path with that information.

Revenant even agree that he was Pathfinder's friend! This may be false, as we are not sure if he was being genuine or sarcastic, but Pathfinder obviously can't tell the difference.

But the synthetic nightmare's two banner poses where he murders Pathfinder makes the ship seem impossible. But in my defense:

-  Revenant had just joined the games, and he hated everyone.

- Pathfinder was considered an easy target, as he wouldn't fight back against someone he cares about.

- He may have different opinions about Pathfinder now.

- The only reason he initially hated Pathfinder, is because Pathfinder had a connection to Hammond Robotics.

Then there is the issue of "They're just robots! They can't feel anything!" That's quite incorrect.

Revenant was formerly a human, and even without that, he still exhibits the emotions of anger, fear, and...sadistic tendencies...

While Pathfinder was programmed differently. He has emotions. They are very real.

Now what about the possibility of Revenant loving anyone? It would be quite normal for a dead murderer to not care about love, but there is one art of Revenant's personality we can't forget.

He is a tsundere.

Tsundere Revenant is canon. His voicelines when thanking other legends express this clearly. We can't believe what he says half the time. If Revenant were to say that he hates Pathfinder, that's a statement that some will not believe. He may be covering up his true feelings. Or maybe, it is true hate. I don't ignore the canon facts. Remember that.

Another topic I wanted to mention was that many believe Revfinder will never be canon because Pathfinder literally wants to be brothers with Revenant. Here is my opinion:

Pathfinder is very naive, and doesn't understand human relationships very well. He called Ash his girlfriend, because he considered her his female friend. The MRVN had made mistakes like this before, and this gives the chance of Pathfinder miscommunicating his real feelings for Revenant. He may think that brothers and boyfriends are the same!

And lastly, Wraith's explanation of the infinite universes proves every single ship to be canon. That includes Revfinder. In one universe, Revenant and Pathfinder are in love, while in another, Revenant created Pathfinder. There are endless possibilities!

So in conclusion, Revfinder is a valid ship. Not everyone has to like it. But in my AU, it's canon. I do not want to spread hate about any other ship. I may even stop hating on Revenant x Loba, but in some alternate universe, it's canon!

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

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