My ship opinions!

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Hi friends!

I request that you don't give me hate, because these are all my opinions, and I respect everyone else's!

- Gibraltar x Any woman: 0/10
Makoa is gay, so he doesn't like women, and it would be rude to ship him with a woman

- Mirage x Wraith: 6/10
My opinion on this ship has changed. I personally like it a little, and hold high respect for it. Between Miraith and Miragehound, this ship is most likely to be canon!

- Mirage x Crypto: 8/10
I like this ship! They may "hate" each other, but I sense a little romantic tension 😏

- Lifeline x Octane: 8/10
This ship is almost an OTP of mine, but the only problem is that Octane calls Lifeline his sister. They aren't related, but it is suggestively platonic.

- Wraith x Wattson: 6/10
Wraith litterally thinks of Wattson as her sister, like part of her family. It's cute, but not a favorite.

- Bangalore x Loba: 9/10
The ship is basically canon now, considering that Anita is a simp for Loba.

- Gibraltar x Caustic: 10/10
Yes. The thicc bois. 😎

- Revenant x Pathfinder: Infinity/10
This ship. I have an undying love for it. It's so adorable!

- Mirage x Bloodhound: Infinity/10
They have the best dynamic ever! It's my second favorite Apex ship! Mirage would be a flustered mess around the hunter!

- Mirage x Octane: 7/10
It's nice, but not a favorite of mine.

- Wraith x Pathfinder: 4/10
It's canon in the Apex Toons, and I used to ship it, but it doesn't appeal to me anymore.

- Mirage x Pathfinder: 9/10
It's adorable! I like the idea of Mirage actually having a crush on Pathfinder! It might even be canon...

- Mirage x Rampart: 3/10
I only see them as friends.

- Wattson x Crypto: 9/10
They are canonically best friends now! I would love to see them become a couple!

- Wattson x Caustic: 1/10
First off, Wattson doesn't like Caustic. Second, I initially saw them as father and daughter.

- Horizon x Caustic: 6/10
I could see it...two scientists dating each other...

- Bloodhound x Loba: 6/10
It's cute, but I see them as friends. Besides, Loba is a canon bisexual.

- Revenant x Lifeline: 0/10
I really don't see Revenant liking anyone else except for Pathfinder. They have an interesting dynamic, but still.

- Revenant x Loba: -Infinity/10
No. This, this ship. No. We aren't doing this. You know exactly why this is wrong. He killed her parents, and they hate each other!

- Pathfinder x Octane: 9/10
It's so cute! 😊

- Caustic x Fuse: 7/10
I have started to like this ship! Him slapping the doc's rear was so 😂👍

- Fuse x Bloodhound: 8/10
Starting to like this...

- Bloodhound x Pathfinder: 3/10
I don't exactly...get it...

- Lifeline x Fuse: 2/10
Nope. Doesn't appeal to me.

- Mirage x Loba: 4/10
It's fine, but I ship them with other people a lot more.

- Revenant x His source code: 10/10
😂😂😂 Yes a canon ship

- Rampart x Spitfire: Infinity/10
OTP for life 😂😂😂😂

- Crypto x Octane: Infinity/10
I recently started to like this ship! I can see a good dynamic between them!

If there are other ships I didn't mention that you want to hear my opinion about, tell me, and I will add them!

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